Possible Single Player Mode Reveal for Super Smash Bros?

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.01.2014 7

Possible Single Player Mode Reveal for Super Smash Bros? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Today's update on the official Super Smash Bros. website could be the first look at single player in action.

A new week, a glorious new set of snaps from the forthcoming games on Wii U and 3DS. This time round producer Masahiro Sakurai posted a snap of a solo Mario plopped in the woods, all alone. The caption to complement the photo states that "to be clear, the new Super Smash Bros. games do not feature a story mode like The Subspace Emissary."

Image for Possible Single Player Mode Reveal for Super Smash Bros?

Despite the lack of a story mode and cutscenes like Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the upcoming games could well have a single-player adventure - more akin to Super Smash Bros Melee.

What do you think - could this be a snippet of solo shenanigans?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

Bandai Namco







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Bound to be a Melee adventure mode which is a good thing!

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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To me all I want is a decent solo player campaign with tonnes of levels, lots of fan-service (series enemies, major bosses from ALL franchises, not just Metroid and bloomin' Kirby) and make it darn challenging too.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
To me all I want is a decent solo player campaign with tonnes of levels, lots of fan-service (series enemies, major bosses from ALL franchises, not just Metroid and bloomin' Kirby) and make it darn challenging too.
Online co-op would be pretty awesome too!

Guest (guest) 21.01.2014#4

Am i the only one that liked Subspace Emissary?

The SSE was alright, but a bit slow. In general I don't think SSB goes together with platforming. The CGI movies were nice as a reward, but so far we've already seen SSB4 has plenty of those for character reveals.

Pokéman (guest) 21.01.2014#6

I LOVED SSB, I really wish they would have brought something similar back. I was never keen on the single player in Melee. The platforming just didn't feel right and was awkward.

Guest (guest) said:
Am i the only one that liked Subspace Emissary?

I think there was just too much generic platforming sections for most. They should have made the most of the characters signatures (e.g Links Hookshot / Arrows) and unique ways to get through levels. 

I liked SSE though, but i still trust whatever they replace it with will still be great!

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