Nintendo Revises Wii U, 3DS Sales Forecasts, Expects Full year Loss

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.01.2014 1

Nintendo Revises Wii U, 3DS Sales Forecasts, Expects Full year Loss on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has revised its sales forecasts and financials today, expecting a full year loss.

Despite a wide-range of critically acclaimed first party releases in 2013, the Wii U has caused Nintendo to rethink sales forecasts for the current fiscal year.

Nintendo had predicted a profit of 55 billion yen (£320m/$527m), but has now revised this figure to a new loss of 25 billion yen (£145m/$239m). The Wii U's sales estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31st is now 2.8 million units, down from 9 million. The Nintendo 3DS is lowered from 18 million to a modest 13.5 million.

In a briefing to the press today, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata confirmed that despite input from key games and Wii U bundles, figures "were significantly lower than our original forecasts".

The price reduction on both the US and European markets are also "reasons for the lower sales estimates", Iwata said.

Despite hitting the headlines for sales records and chart-toppers, the Nintendo 3DS hasn't reached sales expectations for the period.

How do you think Nintendo can recover from the poor Wii U sales performance?

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The most annoying thing to come out of all this is the number of news sites that I've seen calling the 3DS a failure or flop. Yes, the sales projections have been cut, but don't be ridiculous. If the best selling video game hardware worldwide is a failure then what exactly does that make the rest of the industry?

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