Senran Kagura Burst Gets Euro Date, Risqué Boxart

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.01.2014 6

Senran Kagura Burst Gets Euro Date, Risqué Boxart on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Senran Kagura Burst, the enhanced version of the 3DS game, is heading to Europe with a rather risqué boxart.

Publisher Marvelous AQL confirmed that the feisty brawler will be heading to Europe on February 28th, and like the Japanese edition, will include the original Senran Kagura game as part of the package. It's all about female ninjas, who set out to unleash a melee of attacks against the enemy, but with a twist: when damage is taken, their clothes start to shed.

The game will also be available on the eShop a day earlier for those that can't wait for a boxed version.

Image for Senran Kagura Burst Gets Euro Date, Risqué Boxart

Will you leap into the Senran Kagura story - what are your thoughts on the rather risqué boxart?

Box art for Senran Kagura Burst



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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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I pre-ordered a copy at shopTo earlier today since this is surely going to be released in a very limited quantity, so I don't want to take a risk on it by waiting. Besides, I wanted this game to be localised and I'm going to put my money where my mouth is, which is unfortunately not as common as it should be.

Who would have ever thought that there'd ever be a Western boxart that's more risqué than the Japanese one? Quite surprised myself on this one, here's the Japanese version for comparison:

Image for

Lol those awkward proportions - it's so going to get lots of complains from parents

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Well I'm glad the download did well enough here in the states to let you guys have a boxed version. Keeping my chin up on the USA release of SKB 2. Gameplay looks sexy smooth!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
Well I'm glad the download did well enough here in the states to let you guys have a boxed version. Keeping my chin up on the USA release of SKB 2. Gameplay looks sexy smooth!!
The boxed version for Europe was already planned before the download hit the US. Hopefully it sells well enough so that we get the second entry in the series.

Preordered it after seeing the boxart.

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Stulaw said:
Preordered it after seeing the boxart.

Same. Something that ballsy (Smilie) deserves my money. 

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