Majora's Mask
More surreal than a blue moon…
Profile by Fraser Wilson [ frazzle :: Freelance Cubed³ Writer ]
The result of a strange combination of Halloween and the mysterious powers of a full moon, Majora's Mask (we will call him MM from now on) is an ancient relic from an extinct tribe (called the Majora) haunted by a very powerful entity - a malevolent force full of hate for the inhabitants of Earth.
Age: MM is estimated to be at least over a thousand years old. He is in pretty good condition too; we even considered kidnapping him and selling him on eBay!
Species: Having a (*ahem*) wooden personality and being evil are only a couple of signs that MM does not have company. However, he has been linked to the moon, four other entities trapped in masks and the mysterious 'they' - aliens from the moon who invaded Termina at the same time as MM appeared.
Location: Dances around on top of the Clocktower in Clocktown at night performing some sort of demented ritual…or he flashes if anyone is spying on him.
Birth: MM was used ages ago by a tribe for things other than dressing up. That tribe was wiped out in strange circumstances, but many years later the Happy Mask Man came across it. Realising that it was evil, he decided to keep it to safeguard it from the wrong hands and to complete his collection of masks. However, things got complicated when the Skull Kid stole the mask from him, not knowing what would happen…
Main Features: A very snazzy paintjob - blue, red, purple, yellow, green all mixed in an African style. MM has no nose or mouth, but instead has small pits for the wearer to breathe through. Nasty looking yellow spikes decorate his edges, but the most striking feature of MM is those eyes: intensely glowing red and yellow circles with a tinge of green and focused black pupils. In fact, they bear a striking resemblance to Frazzle's when he is after chocolate!
Clothing: Apart from a coat of varnish, MM also wears people, controlling them like puppets.
After taking control of the Skull Kid, MM immediately started manipulating the land of Termina and its residents while he drew the moon ever closer towards Earth, as if to punish humans for sealing him within the mask. He made a fatal mistake when he crossed paths with Link, however, who soon made him regret it in an epic battle inside the moon.
MM has not had many appearances, but his unique character has ensured he will not be forgotten:
After collecting all the masks in the N64 game, you received the Fierce Deity mask - the ultimate mask - from MM himself. This allowed you to fight against MM with a pumped up version of Link. Great stuff!
The way Link sadistically tortured MM - allowing him to get painfully close to achieving global destruction then rewinding time with his Ocarina and undoing all his hard work. When we mentioned Link, MM got very upset and nearly sent Jupiter ploughing into Earth!
The evil spirit trapped inside the mask was expelled and destroyed by Link, but MM proved himself an interesting, clever and original villain who gave the Zelda series a dark twist which worked surprisingly well. If you missed out on the original game on the N64, then fear not, as the Zelda Collector's Disc contains the full version of the game - but you will have your work cut out trying to get one…