Moon Chronicles Trademarked by Renegade Kid

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.01.2014 1

Moon Chronicles Trademarked by Renegade Kid on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The developers behind the DS shooter Moon, Renegade Kid, have filed a new trademark for what could be a related project.

A load of Moon-related tidbits have come through in the last few days, with studio founder Jools Watsham celebrating the game's anniversary and also confirming that the company have gotten back the publishing rights for the game.

Today "Moon Chronicles" was spotted in a new trademark, leading fans to speculate that the teased Renegade Kid project could be a sequel or remake for Moon.

Would you like to see Moon revisited on Nintendo 3DS?

Box art for Moon

Renegade Kid




First Person Shooter



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They did great with their DS FPS games. Smilie

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