Nintendo Could Revisit and Update Other SNES Classics

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.01.2014 6

Nintendo Could Revisit and Update Other SNES Classics on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Could Nintendo revisit other SNES-style concepts in franchises other than The Legend of Zelda? Metroid or Star Fox could be on the cards.

Nintendo achieved success with both critics and fans when it came to the release of The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds on Nintendo 3DS, blending new mechanics with the original SNES Link to the Past formula as a base.

The latest issue of US magazine Game Informer quizzed A Link Between Worlds director Hiromasa Shikata on whether other SNES titles could receive a similar upgrade.

The merging into walls mechanics of the new 3DS title started off as a gameplay concept, rather than specific to a franchise, according to Shikata. He believes that "if there's something fitting for the basic Star Fox and Metroid formula then I think we'll be able to develop something".

What do you think - could Star Fox, Metroid or another SNES title receive a new design for the current generation?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds





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To me Star Fox and F-Zero are so ready for a comeback. Metroid skipped the N64 and made a massive leap back on the Gamecube. Nintendo need to do the same for Star Fox and F-Zero.

2 great franchises and, save for the DS Star Fox, both have been shamefully ignored for too long.

( Edited 09.01.2014 18:54 by Ifrit XXII )

Definitely - I don't quite get the need for Nintendo to justify having a new idea or concept in order to bring back a franchise. Surely the demand from potential consumers would work - most Mario 2D titles are essentially the same with a handful of new concepts thrown in.

Star Fox, F-Zero, Metroid - Sports (Wave Race / 1080) and more.

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Was just saying a friend that they might bring back DKC as 3D Classics on the 3DS for the 20th anniversary of the series Smilie. Would look fantastic!

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Jack H. (guest) 09.01.2014#4

The real remake needs to be Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. 

YES! I so want to see a new 2D Metroid!

rolando (guest) 09.01.2014#6

They should remake dirty harry nightmare on Elm Street dragon spirit Friday the 13th demon sword.

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