Nintendo 3DS Goes Region Free Through Patched Launcher

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.01.2014 2

Nintendo 3DS Goes Region Free Through Patched Launcher on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A new trick has been unlocked that allows region free Nintendo 3DS gaming depending on the firmware installed on the portable.

Discovered by the folks on GBA Temp, the method allows those with older 3DS firmware (v4.1-4.5) to use a DS/3DS Flashcard to run a patched launcher file that modifies the 3DS system to enable the use of games in other regions. European 3DS consoles can then play NTSC Japanese/North American games and vice-versa.

However, only official cartridges can be used - as the method does not enable downloaded games/roms to be played.

For more details head on over to GBATemp.

Have you patched and unlocked your Nintendo 3DS yet?

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Damn, shame it only works on older versions at the moment, I'd love to try this out! Such a pain being unable to play my Japanese Pokémon Black on my 3DS. :/

Our member of the week

I wouldn't care if it only allows for imports, so long as I can actually play them lol Smilie !! Why won't Nintendo simply make it region free again, seriously ??

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