Western Bravely Default Covers Up Clothes and Dialogue

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.01.2014 9

Western Bravely Default Covers Up Clothes and Dialogue on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Western localisation of Square Enix RPG Bravely Default has undergone some changes in costumes and dialogue.

As spotted by an IGN forum user, the Western versions of some outfits have had minor digital alterations - a pair of shorts instead of a thong on one character and covering up the belly on another. Some of the potentially more riské dialogue has also been altered for release outside Japan, with some innuendo cleaned up and characters now aged 20 instead of 17.

Image for Western Bravely Default Covers Up Clothes and Dialogue

The storyline itself isn't tampered with, so it seems to be purely from a cosmetic standpoint.

Should Square Enix have changed up the outfits and dialogue in Bravely Default?

Box art for Bravely Default
Also known as

Bravely Default: For the Sequel






Turn Based RPG



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I don't know why they slutted em up in the first place. Much prefer the Western looks. Less isn't always the way to go.

ARGH! Western censorship... *sigh* Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.
KnightFire (guest) 05.01.2014#3

Yeah this is sad.  USA religious wackos even infulencing what Canadian's can buy.  Hopefully there will be an "normal" European (English) version I can play instead.

Darkflame (guest) 05.01.2014#4

The problem is the style, to western eyes, makes the characters far too young to be "sexed up".
This move seems perfectly reasonable to me.
Theres many case's of unreasonable/stupid censorship - this doesn't seem to be one.

I don't see the fascination with having scantily clad digital depictions of women and especially young girls. It's very creepy and sad. Their slightly chibli dimensions make them look really child like to make matters worse. I'm the furthest from being a prude but it's just unnecessary and does nothing for the game. 

Apart from that it's my must have game of the year for the 3ds. Beautiful visuals and really great battle system. Spent 9 hrs just playing the demo!!!!

The only kinds of people who cry over the loss of showing skin are perverts & those who have a VERY low respect/sense for morals. As long as the STORY goes unhindered COSMETIC censorship is fine. If you're so eager for some skin to start jerkin your Gherkin with there are PLENTY of websites to satisfy your sick little fetish.

I stand by my gaming principles, crying over cosmetic censorship is one of the weakest things to complain about since no gameplay or story is hindered. This is just as sad as when the gaming weaboos cried over missing Tarja's butt in a thong, those people are just a bunch of pathetic perverts & I really do pity their almost Anarchistic view on this trivial issue...

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
dynosore (guest) 06.01.2014#7

Vorash Kadan said:
The only kinds of people who cry over the loss of showing skin are perverts & those who have a VERY low respect/sense for morals. As long as the STORY goes unhindered COSMETIC censorship is fine. If you're so eager for some skin to start jerkin your Gherkin with there are PLENTY of websites to satisfy your sick little fetish.

I stand by my gaming principles, crying over cosmetic censorship is one of the weakest things to complain about since no gameplay or story is hindered. This is just as sad as when the gaming weaboos cried over missing Tarja's butt in a thong, those people are just a bunch of pathetic perverts & I really do pity their almost Anarchistic view on this trivial issue...

It's a shame this can't be debated maturely... which is ironic given the subject matter and the position you take on it. The need to resort to insults and assumptions is very unfortunate.

As is the reason people are crying over censorship. Do not be a pot calling the kettle black my friend, there IS NO mature, respectable reason to get upset with this type of censorship & I've lost my patience explaining things in a civil way to the childish idiots at gamefaqs.com who ignore common sense. So forgive me for being short but I'm taking a more efficient method of discrediting these kinds of anti-censorship anarchists.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

To the topic: I think it's a nice graphical improvement. I dislike thongs, but I don't really see the point in trying to make a game character look sexy either.

To the webmaster: is there a way to block certain users posts from showing up?
I dont really want to see so-called trolls slinging mud to stir up arguing about ignorance, sorry.

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