Capcom to Bring Resident Evil to Younger Audience

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.12.2013 7

Capcom to Bring Resident Evil to Younger Audience on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom have highlighted plans to try and adapt the long-running Resident Evil franchise to young adults and the upcoming generation of gamers.

The publisher has expressed a fear that the "main user group" for Resident Evil, late-30s to 40s, may outgrow the series and videogames as a whole. To combat this, the publisher told investors that there are plans to collaborate with fashion magazines, brands and to non-gamers with a Halloween night at Universal Studios in Japan.

Do you think age or the games themselves are the problem for Resident Evil?

Box art for Resident Evil: Revelations








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Go the path of classic Resi games like Revelations and I'm positive the series will flourish once more. No more combat heavy releases like Resi 5 and 6.

I personally would love if Resident Evil got the reboot treatment. Get rid of the chessy, badly written characters and story and start fresh with a dark horror/survival game. The series has become too bloated.

kingdom (guest) 28.12.2013#2

God spend the money on making a good game please.

Jesus wept.

sed (guest) 29.12.2013#3

Thank you capcom. Keep making garbage like RE6 and DmC and you surely will profit. I honesty hope Crapcom goes bankrupt. 

DmC is a brilliant game. Most people were just crying over the fact it was "rebooted". The older DMC games are still here and all are great.

You've forgotten DMC2 haven't you Ifrit? Don't sound OVERLY accepting of everything or else you'll look like a gaming weaboo with poor taste & you'll lose credibility with experienced gamers.

Remember not everything in a franchise is great, even Mario, Zelda & Metroid have their Black Sheep...

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Vorash Kadan said:
You've forgotten DMC2 haven't you Ifrit? Don't sound OVERLY accepting of everything or else you'll look like a gaming weaboo with poor taste & you'll lose credibility with experienced gamers.

Remember not everything in a franchise is great, even Mario, Zelda & Metroid have their Black Sheep...

Whilst I agree that DMC2 was certainly the weakest point in the series. It doesn't mean Ifrit's opinion is wrong at all. I wish you wouldn't call someone a "gaming weaboo with poor taste" just because they like something you don't. Get over it and carry on playing the games you love, rather than criticising other people for what they love.

( Edited 29.12.2013 21:18 by Mush )

Let me expand my comment to what I meant it to say.

"The older DMC games are still here and all (both the originals and the reboot) are great."

Even with this change, I've just grouped it as a series because there's no point in pointing out one bad egg that everyone knows about. Me saying "The Zelda series is made up of great games" doesn't mean I'm endorsing the Phillips CD-i games.

I'd like to meet these gamers who I'd lose credibility to. Being an experienced gamer doesn't mean you have to stick with a popular opinion and follow the crowd. I for one have no interest in Mega Man games (you could say ZERO interest Smilie ). Does that lose me street cred too?

Back on subject, I hope Capcom reboot Resident Evil. It needs it.

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