RudyC3 said:
For goodness sake, when will Nintendo learn how the Int3rn3t works ?? That kind of problem would never happen on the other platforms! They've been behind the times for the past decade in terms of Internet connectivity and every time you'd think that they've caught up, they end up showing again and again how so far behind they are in terms of online technology!Suffice to see the amount of lag on any Nintendo Network enabled online game (See Resi Revelations on Wii U for a good example!)
Well, Microsoft and Sony's servers both suffered downtime too. Not for as long as Nintendo, but still. At least they've fixed the problem now and they're doing further work to ensure this doesn't happen again.
As for Nintendo Network enabled online games, I never had issues with lag in Black Ops II, unless there was a host with a shitty connection. RE does seem to be quite laggy, but I have had many Raid Mode sessions which were lag-free/had minimal lag.
Nintendo just didn't prepare for the potential sales boost during the Christmas period, which they probably should have, but I don't think they should compensate us with free games like others think. Their service has just had a bit of downtime, boo hoo.
At least Nintendo Network users didn't have their personal details exposed by hackers. Which is more than can be said for both Sony and Microsoft in previous situations, who are apparently "with the times" when it comes to internet connectivity.
The only people I truly feel sorry for in this server outage are those who received a Wii U or 3DS system for Christmas, which came with no games, only a download code for a retail game. Those who have been around on Nintendo Network since it launched should have some patience, at least Nintendo actually spoke up about the situation, rather than let it go on without a word.
( Edited 29.12.2013 18:31 by Mush )