Nintendo Delay Pokémon Bank Release due to Network Issues

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.12.2013 7

Nintendo Delay Pokémon Bank Release due to Network Issues on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's not all festive cheer as Nintendo has delayed the release of Pokémon Bank and Poké Transporter.

Due to the problems with Nintendo Network connectivity this week, the software will no longer launch today, December 27th, due to a "a large volume of traffic to the Nintendo Network service", according to an official post this morning. Nintendo acknowledged that there are players will experiencing issues hooking up the Wii U and 3DS to the network and downloading content from the eShop.

"We apologise for the delay and thank you for your continued patience."

The software will launch at an unconfirmed date once Nintendo have solved the network problems.

Where you aiming to download Pokémon Bank today?

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I hope this doesn't end up like Flipnote 3D. Where is that again?

Our member of the week

For goodness sake, when will Nintendo learn how the Int3rn3t works ?? That kind of problem would never happen on the other platforms! They've been behind the times for the past decade in terms of Internet connectivity and every time you'd think that they've caught up, they end up showing again and again how so far behind they are in terms of online technology!

Suffice to see the amount of lag on any Nintendo Network enabled online game (See Resi Revelations on Wii U for a good example!)

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
For goodness sake, when will Nintendo learn how the Int3rn3t works ?? That kind of problem would never happen on the other platforms! They've been behind the times for the past decade in terms of Internet connectivity and every time you'd think that they've caught up, they end up showing again and again how so far behind they are in terms of online technology!

Suffice to see the amount of lag on any Nintendo Network enabled online game (See Resi Revelations on Wii U for a good example!)

Well, Microsoft and Sony's servers both suffered downtime too. Not for as long as Nintendo, but still. At least they've fixed the problem now and they're doing further work to ensure this doesn't happen again.

As for Nintendo Network enabled online games, I never had issues with lag in Black Ops II, unless there was a host with a shitty connection. RE does seem to be quite laggy, but I have had many Raid Mode sessions which were lag-free/had minimal lag.

Nintendo just didn't prepare for the potential sales boost during the Christmas period, which they probably should have, but I don't think they should compensate us with free games like others think. Their service has just had a bit of downtime, boo hoo.

At least Nintendo Network users didn't have their personal details exposed by hackers. Which is more than can be said for both Sony and Microsoft in previous situations, who are apparently "with the times" when it comes to internet connectivity.

The only people I truly feel sorry for in this server outage are those who received a Wii U or 3DS system for Christmas, which came with no games, only a download code for a retail game. Those who have been around on Nintendo Network since it launched should have some patience, at least Nintendo actually spoke up about the situation, rather than let it go on without a word.

( Edited 29.12.2013 18:31 by Mush )

Our member of the week

Mush said:
At least Nintendo Network users didn't have their personal details exposed by hackers. Which is more than can be said for both Sony and Microsoft in previous situations, who are apparently "with the times" when it comes to internet connectivity.

I was only relating to the "connectivity" side of things here Smilie. Security and Connectivity are two completely separate things Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

To be fair to Nintendo, this is the first time they've properly been in the "online network" business (as Wii's network was crap that not many used) so it'll be a learning process that every company go through.

I'm hoping this has opening Ninty's eyes to make sure it doesn't happen again, at least not on this scale as every company had problems but not for this long.

Still....WHERE IS FLIPNOTE 3DS? They delayed it almost 5 months ago because of initial heavy demand in Japan at launch. You can't seriously tell me that the Flipnote servers are still overloaded in Japan as to delay the game everywhere else for almost half a year??!?!?!?

I just wanted a way to transfer my Pokemon, not a Pokemon super vault that might f**k up and erase all my Pokemon. Why not just more box space and a transfer system like in the past? My faith in Nintendo even releasing this in a functional state is wearing thin and with all those hacked Pokemon coming through I hope to god i don't fight a perfect IV team of shiny legendaries  next time I challenge a passerby.

( Edited 02.01.2014 11:41 by Axitros )

Our member of the week

Axitros said:
I just wanted a way to transfer my Pokemon, not a Pokemon super vault that might f**k up and erase all my Pokemon.

There's the chance of the loss of some data in every single company. They surely would store all the data on double servers, in case one of the two crashes, and have highly regular backups. One pokémon is hardly a few bytes, maybe kilobytes of data, and one player would not store more than 3000 so each player's data would amount to, what... 10MB tops? multiply that by a million at most, since I can't believe that every single little kid playing Pokémon around the world would use the system, and that would amount to something like 10TB, which is hardly a lot of data to backup for such a big company by nowadays standards. Multiple backups will surely take place every day to ensure that no data loss would occur.

But then if the servers would go down, all you risk is your Pokémon stored on there to become unavailable until the system is restored to full functionality. But loss of your Pokémon, I doubt that would happen, unless Nintendo are more than twenty years behind the times with modern security measures existing to ensure that no data is lost.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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