Pokémon Bank Allows Hacked and Illegal Transfers

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.12.2013 6

Pokémon Bank Allows Hacked and Illegal Transfers on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The launch of the new Pokémon Bank service has been hindered by players uploading hacked creatures.

The service hit Japan this week, and already has its fair share of impossible monsters, as highlighted by players on GameFAQs. Amongst the misfits were hacked/cheated monsters, which can exist but have been artificially enhanced, and illegal ones - which can't exist within the games.

Nintendo had admitted previously that there would be some checks in place, but for now it seems that players are still able to upload hacked/illegal creatures to the service with ease.

Box art for Pokémon X and Y

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Our member of the week

So long as they don't hit the GTS and can't be fought online with, that's good with me. Cause hacked creatures can help you overcome Nintendo's stupid stance with giving you the legendaries only at events that never happen near you, or sometimes never in your own country!

Getting a complete Pokédex is like... the goal of the game and it's made nearly impossible by the multiple types of legendaries you can't get normally, like Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Mew... *sigh*

Oh well I don't own Pokémon Black or Pokémon white so I have no use for Pokémon bank+Pokémon Transporter at the moment Smilie. Wish I did have those cartridges now though ^^

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
XY (guest) 27.12.2013#2

I do have a few hacked pokemon, mainly the event ones I missed while I was living away for work. But I don't want to trade them or anything so I just have them to complete my pokedex. If they had more events then people wouldn't have to use hacks and stuff. While I was living away, my closest store that held events was a 5 hour drive. They need to make it so that when they have event only pokemon releases you should be able to obtain them from home over the net and not have to travel to a store. Not everyone has that option. Plus they need to re-release past event pokemon. A lot of people I know who have been playing since red, blue and yellow just like me, never knew about the event due to not having access to the internet or having any stores around where we could go, or on the other hand, the events never happened in our country.
so you can see why people are going to use hack apps to get the pokemon. But when I use it, I have serebii.net open and make the pokemon as it would be from the event (level 40-50, average base stats plus I teach it only moves that it would learn through battle and levelling up) I never create super insane pokemon.

Jimmy (guest) 27.12.2013#3

you should probably mention that the hacked pokemon don't receive that blue pentagon symbol. And the poke bank isn't "hindered" by hacked pokemon. Only Kalos pokemon can battle, the ones with the blue pentagon, so even if you have a hacked mon, you can't battle with it, but you can breed it. =P

Our member of the week

Jimmy (guest) said:
you should probably mention that the hacked pokemon don't receive that blue pentagon symbol. And the poke bank isn't "hindered" by hacked pokemon. Only Kalos pokemon can battle, the ones with the blue pentagon, so even if you have a hacked mon, you can't battle with it, but you can breed it. =P

I thought it was ANY Pokémon not bred in Kalos but imported from another region that had the Pokéball symbol instead of the pentagon?

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I only hacked a Deoxys and Lugia but then got rid once I got them officially. Own all the event pokemon from previous gens now so all is well Smilie

Mike (guest) 29.12.2013#6

You should be able to do that as long as you just use them with your friends , just don't use them online battles, just don't use a pokemon like charmander with the move fly. ( charizard is my favorite pokemon , and pikachu is also my favorite ,and Trecko) been a fan of pokemon for 8 years, around the time when pokemon 4th gen came out, seen every epesode of pokemon  but a few. Favorite season is battle fronter because it was different than all of the other ones. Anyways , I think you should be able to 

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