Nintendo Working on Online Network Issues

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.12.2013 6

Nintendo Working on Online Network Issues on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo are continuing to work on the network issues that have plagued seasonal demand.

With many new fans grabbing hold of both the Wii U and 3DS consoles on Christmas Day, it's caused an overload on Nintendo's own servers. Nintendo did acknowledge the issue via a series of Tweets, however there are still issues with various users attempting to hook up to the service.

The problems are mainly related to the digital eShop and creating Nintendo Network IDs, with Nintendo continuing to work on a solution.At time of writing there are still difficulties connecting to both Wii U and 3DS services, with Nintendo's status page showing issues on Wii U and DS as well.

Have you had problems hooking up to Nintendo and the eShop this week?

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Good to know it's not just me. I got a 3DS XL for Christmas & I can't access the store. I also can't transfer my 3DS data to it. Annoying. 

Well it's a consolation knowing the same issue is plaguing psn & xbl so we'll just have to wait & see how long it takes for them to fix it.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

This is a potentially good sign.

( Edited 27.12.2013 05:09 by Sonic_13 )

Now I've been able to transfer data to my 3DS XL., but it seems to need to connect to the e-store to restart and it still wont connect. So basically now my new 3DS XL is a brick until they fix the store. Smilie

Trepe said:
Now I've been able to transfer data to my 3DS XL., but it seems to need to connect to the e-store to restart and it still wont connect. So basically now my new 3DS XL is a brick until they fix the store. Smilie
Was this issue resolved? I've been connecting flawlessly to Miiverse and 3DS eShop since about 2PM GMT today.

Was solved eventually thank goodness. Nintendo made it a crappy Christmas. I couldn't do anything with my new 3DS XL, not good PR at a vital time of the year. 

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