New Overview Infomercial on Benefits of Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.12.2013 1

New Overview Infomercial on Benefits of Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

As the holiday season kicks in, Nintendo have produced a length overview commercial that discusses the benefits and differences of Wii U.

In a case of better-late-than-never, the North American branch put together an infomercial of what potential consumers - the target demographic being families/parents - can expect with the new hardware. "Look out for the U on the box" is the new, unofficial marketing slogan being touted about, as Nintendo notes how the Wii U is the "true successor" to the Wii.

Despite highlighting the differences, there still isn't any mention of the fact that it does play all existing Wii games and controllers as well.


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They should be getting this advert out and about! Cinemas, tv wherever! So many people still have no idea what wiiU is which is a shame! I think it truly is a great system!

When in doubt....Whip it out!

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