Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder Announced for 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.12.2013 8

Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder Announced for 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Everyone's favourite four-inch, adorable robot makes a return to Nintendo 3DS in a brand new download game.

Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder is the latest chapter in the popular series, where the ickle chap is tasked with helping a new museum take off. How does such a small robot help out? By using the 3DS camera to find matching objects required for the museum in the real world. A demo will be available soon, with the full version of Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder outt on January 9th 2014.


Image for Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder Announced for 3DS
Image for Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder Announced for 3DS
Image for Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder Announced for 3DS

What are your thoughts on the new Chibi-Robo! concept?

Box art for Chibi-Robo! Lets Go, Photo!
Also known as

Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder









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Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Never played one before so I'm very interested in this.

hope chibi robo is in smash bros.

Our member of the week

I've always read great things about the Chibi Robo series but never went the extra mile of actually buying and playing any of them. I feel ashamed for this, cause they really look like great games, and I love what Skip Ltd. does. That being said I only ever played Captain Rainbow and my copy of Giftpia has been sitting on my shelf for years and I only ever played like ten minutes of it :/

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

No, I hate augmented reality games and software, they are so annoying and cause spine damage. 

I first heard about this game a while ago (in another Nintendo Direct?). Looks like a fun game to carry around on your 3DS. I hope it's not too pricey as I would love to download it.

Sonic_13 said:
I first heard about this game a while ago (in another Nintendo Direct?). Looks like a fun game to carry around on your 3DS. I hope it's not too pricey as I would love to download it.

If this was £9.99 or £14.99 I'd pick it up but thats the price they put on half their VC games! Can't see me picking this up as it will more than likely be full priced.

Im_Neutral said:
Sonic_13 said:
I first heard about this game a while ago (in another Nintendo Direct?). Looks like a fun game to carry around on your 3DS. I hope it's not too pricey as I would love to download it.

If this was £9.99 or £14.99 I'd pick it up but thats the price they put on half their VC games! Can't see me picking this up as it will more than likely be full priced.

I doubt it will be priced the same as a regular game. Their other eShop only titles have all been $10-$15.

EDIT: It's $9.99 in the US

( Edited 19.12.2013 22:04 by Sonic_13 )

Sonic_13 said:
Im_Neutral said:
Sonic_13 said:
I first heard about this game a while ago (in another Nintendo Direct?). Looks like a fun game to carry around on your 3DS. I hope it's not too pricey as I would love to download it.

If this was £9.99 or £14.99 I'd pick it up but thats the price they put on half their VC games! Can't see me picking this up as it will more than likely be full priced.

I doubt it will be priced the same as a regular game. Their other eShop only titles have all been $10-$15.

EDIT: It's $9.99 in the US

£19.99 in the UK then Smilie

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