More Communities Added to Miiverse on Nintendo 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.12.2013 5

More Communities Added to Miiverse on Nintendo 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have started to add more 3DS titles to the Miiverse social network service this week.

The social network came to Nintendo's portable powerhouse last week, but launched with a limited range of 3DS-specific communities to join. However, as of this morning, some legacy games have been added - including Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, Kid Icarus: Uprising and Star Fox 64 3D. There's also the chance to share with fans in the Fire Emblem: Awakening board and various others.

Which Nintendo 3DS titles would you like to see added to Miiverse?

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Mario Kart & Luigi's Mansion if they're not already on there, after all it is the year of Luigi!

Im_Neutral said:
Mario Kart & Luigi's Mansion if they're not already on there, after all it is the year of Luigi!

Yup, both are there!

Sonic_13 said:
Im_Neutral said:
Mario Kart & Luigi's Mansion if they're not already on there, after all it is the year of Luigi!

Yup, both are there!

Thanks Sonic, just found them Smilie, I've been posting screenshots galore of me harassing chickens in A Link Between Worlds Smilie

Im_Neutral said:
I've been posting screenshots galore of me harassing chickens in A Link Between Worlds Smilie

I don't know why, but I feel like you deserve a star for this!

( Edited 17.12.2013 18:16 by Sonic_13 )

Darkflame (guest) 17.12.2013#5

Some nice artwork on the Fire Emblem threads.

Really though, this is all silly; Why not just copy their whole game database automatically and have a thread for every game :?

Still, at least the 3D works on this 3DS feature Smilie

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