CastleStorm Heading to Wii U on December 26th

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.12.2013 1

CastleStorm Heading to Wii U on December 26th on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Developer Zen Studios has confirmed a festive release date for the much anticipated release of CastleStorm on Wii U.

Battle hatches at the ready folks, as the competitive strategy/RPG hybrid is finally leaping into action on the Wii U in the living room this Christmas. Set for release on December 26th, fans can nibble on leftover turkey sandwiches whilst raiding Grandma's castle.

There'll be full GamePad support, solo and multiplayer campaigns, online multiplayer and fully fledged castle editor to get stuck into.

Will you grab hold of CastleStorm on Wii U this month?

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Well I'm glad I didn't waste my money buying this fpe my Vita or ps3, I always prefer to own games on Nintendo platforms when given the choice.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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