3DS StreetPass May Include Scavenger Hunt

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.12.2013

3DS StreetPass May Include Scavenger Hunt on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo of America have highlighted plans to expand the 3DS StreetPass functionality across the country.

Nintendo director of product marketing Bill Trinen was interviewed during the National StreetPass Weekend, noting how the US arm have plans to enrich StreetPass activity across North America. Despite being popular at key gaming events and smaller communities, StreetPass activity has been a little hit and miss outside Japan.

One of the ideas being battled around is a possible scavenger hunt activity, Trinen said, plus possible themed crossword puzzles distributed over StreetPass.

It's still intended to be a strictly-outside affair, however, as Nintendo are unsure whether to introduce the concept into the home over the internet.

How do you think Nintendo can expand StreetPass into a more everyday activity?

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