Jason Rubin Feels Nintendo is "Irrelevant"

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.12.2013 2

Jason Rubin Feels Nintendo is "Irrelevant" on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Former Naughty Dog boss Jason Rubin has shared his thoughts on the future of Nintendo given the performance of the Wii U.

In an interview with GameTrailers, Rubin stated how he felt Nintendo were now "irrelevant" within the console space, feeling that the fact that Nintendo doesn't allow its titles on other platforms as "a crime". Despite being a "worldwide treasure", Rubin feels that the company had "stumbled", reflecting on the performance of the Wii U so far.

What are your thoughts on Rubin's comments on Nintendo?

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For me Nintendo is pretty much relevant. I own a Wii U since day one, we always play on Wii U and NOT on my PS3, for there are not that good a game after a long day at work and having fun. I bought Toki Tori 2+ (at last) and I got a 3DS XL (with Zelda Link between worlds, the special edition in gold: shiny!). So Nintedo does matter a lot. Naughty Dog on the other hand, delivered good games, but were pushed down irrelevant lane.

I mean, look at the games they made. They are interchangeable, they are looking good and playing great, but don't have much specialty to them. Enchanted 1 was great until you had to constantly gun around. And so on.

Nintendo does the same setting over and over again with Zelda for example, but the game design, the look and the feel is totally different every time, same with the new Mario: A masterpiece! 99 % greatness!

But if they go multiplatform and release their game on other devices, then the are extinct faster then SEGA was. Nintendo has to stay and bring me good games, innovative peripherals and consoles and become more awesome every day. Just look at their add ons like Nintendo direct, Iwata and co being totally cool, delivering a great online community on Miiverse, adding SHAUN THE SHEEP to my 3DS XL in three-frigging-dee!
and so on. For me Nintendo is way more cool then Apple ever dreams to be. And not so fucking arrogant!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!
Jurganvitch (guest) 08.12.2013#2

Only when the PS4 and Vita drop in price.

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