The latest update from Jools Watsham from Renegade Kid details some updates for the studio's latest projects including Mutant Mudds 2.
Watsham started with Mutant Mudds Deluxe, which is heading to PS3/PS Vita with Cross-Buy and Cross-Save support, with delays in Europe due to multiple age-rating submissions. He also teased a free update for the 3DS version next year.
Treasurenauts also came up, with Renegade Kid "happy with the game", but delayed till around Q1 next year to "make it the game we want it to be". Cult County, the peculiar new first person title, will be detailed further next year.
As for Mutant Mudds 2, the project has been put on hold to "maintain perspective on what Mutant Mudds 2 needs to be" and focus on Treasurenauts.
Finally, Renegade Kid have two new games in the works - one of these being a 3DS title that'll be announced in Janaury, with a mid-2014 release planned.
Which of these games are you most excited about?