Sonic Lost World Soundtrack now on iTunes, Amazon Mp3

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.12.2013

Sonic Lost World Soundtrack now on iTunes, Amazon Mp3 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Are you a fan of the backing music in Sonic Lost World? SEGA have released the bumper soundtrack, Without Boundaries.

From the slight rock edge to the more, softer piano driven melodies, the cheeky jazz to orchestral scores, one of the good things that came out of the Wii U and 3DS games was the music. The compilation includes a grand total of 93 tracks compared by Tomoya Ohtani, with over 70 musicians playing over the album itself.

Whilst the 3 disc physical set is available in Japan, fans can now grab hold of the set via iTunes and Amazon Mp3.

Don't forget to read Javier's recent C-3-2-1 Review of Sonic Lost World.

The songlist is as follows, and does contain a handful of spoilers!

01. Wonder World - Title Theme -
02. Cutscene - Opening
03. Windy Hill - Zone1
04. Cutscene - Eggman & The Deadly Six
05. Windy Hill - Zone2
06. Color Power - Indigo Asteroid
07. Careening Cavern
08. Color Power - Cyan Laser
09. Cutscene - Face-off With Zazz
10. The Deadly Six Theme
11. Cutscene - The Cacophonic Conch
12. Desert Ruins - Zone1
13. Color Power - Crimson Eagle
14. Cutscene - Calling In The Heavy Hitter
15. Honeycomb Highway
16. Sugar Lane
17. Cutscene - Zomom's Take-out Lunch
18. Desert Ruins - Zone4
19. Color Power - Yellow Drill
20. Cutscene - The Rise Of The Six
21. Cutscene - Who Got Us Into This Mess?
22. Tropical Coast - Zone1
23. Color Power - Yellow Drill (Submarine ver.)
24. Cutscene - A Legendary Master Appears
25. Juice Archipelago
26. Color Power - Orange Rocket
27. Sea Bottom Segue
28. Cutscene - Eggman's Secret Weapon
29. Cutscene - Master Zik's Warm-up
30. Cutscene - The Enemy Of My Enemy Is…?
31. The Deadly Six Theme (Orchestra ver.)

01. Title Screen
02. Cutscene - Tails Gets Angry
03. Frozen Factory - Zone1
04. Color Power - Ivory Lightning
05. Cutscene - Even A Rose Has Thorns
06. Snowball Waltz
07. Cutscene - Eggman's Buttons Pushed
08. Double Down
09. Tilt The Machine
10. Color Power - Green Hover
11. Cutscene - Out Of Character
12. Silent Forest - Zone1
13. Color Power - Grey Quake
14. Cutscene - It's A Trap!
15. Cutscene - Apathy Meets Disappointment
16. Midnight Owl
17. Owl Lights
18. Color Power - Magenta Rhythm
19. Island Relics
20. The Deadly Six Theme (Violin ver.)
21. Start Your Hedgehogs
22. Invincible (Sonic Heroes ver.)
23. Speed Up! (Reach For The Stars ver.)
24. Lost World Jingle
25. Mission Clear
26. Item Get Level 1
27. Item Get Level 2
28. Item Get Level 3
29. Item Get Level 4
30. Stage Clear (Synth ver.)
31. And The Winner Is…

01. The Lost Hex
02. Sky Road - Zone1
03. Cutscene - Zavok's Taunt
04. Dragon Dance
05. Color Power - Red Burst
06. Thundercloud Acropolis
07. Cutscene - Tails Gets An Upgrade?
08. Battle With Zavok (Orchestra ver.)
09. Stage Clear
10. Cutscene - Eggman's Sacrifice
11. Cutscene - Revenge Of The Six
12. Boss Rushes
13. Cutscene - Solitude
14. Cutscene - Robo Tails Attacks!
15. Lava Mountain
16. Boss Rushes (Guitar ver.)
17. Battle With Zavok
18. Cutscene - Eggman Returns
19. Dr. Eggman Showdown
20. Cutscene - Ending
21. Tails Laboratory
22. Hidden World
23. Hidden World - Cubliclated
24. Hurry Up!
25. Tornado Time
26. Color Power - Black Wisp
27. Sky Road - Bonus Stage
28. Midnight Owl (Bayou Drums ver.)
29. Circus Caravan
30. Special Stage
31. Super Sonic (Wonder World ver.)

Will you download the Sonic Lost World: Without Boundaries album?

Box art for Sonic Lost World

Sonic Team




3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (4 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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