Miiverse on 3DS will Deny Access to Friends

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.11.2013 21

Miiverse on 3DS will Deny Access to Friends on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

According to a Nintendo customer service representative, the upcoming Miiverse implementation will have a stripped down functionality.

A NeoGAF member contacted Nintendo about the recently announced Miiverse access for 3DS, however the app will not be quite the same as the Wii U edition. According to a Nintendo rep there won't be the ability to exchange messages between friends, nor plans to use a Friend Request feature on the system. Presumably friends' posts can still be viewed, like the web browser edition, but it seems fairly basic aside.

However, it doesn't rule out the functionality completely, but there aren't plans for deep messaging on the 3DS Miiverse app yet.

Do you think the Nintendo 3DS needs to include the same functions as the Wii U version?

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Our member of the week

That's rubbish... in my opinion the experience should be seemless accross all their platforms, there really is no reason why it shouldn't.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

There needs to be some way of communicating with your friends through the system, even if it's basic text messages. Having no way at all is really disappointing.

In time. This is only the beginning of Miiverse and Nintendo Network integration on the 3DS. More features and integration are on the way in the future.

Something as simple as a messaging system should of been implemented from the very beginning >.> I like Nintendo but they make some stupid choices sometimes.

( Edited 16.11.2013 00:13 by LKR000 )

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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GUYS! It was some American customer support guy who said this. I highly doubt he's qualified to make announcements like this and I doubt even more if he knows anything about Nintendo Japan's plans.

Darkflame (guest) 16.11.2013#6

"Will someone think of the children!!"

Stupid overreactions. Lets go ban all talking to everyone and look all children in cupboards.

Darkflame (guest) said:
"Will someone think of the children!!"

Stupid overreactions. Lets go ban all talking to everyone and look all children in cupboards.

The only "stupid overreaction" here is your comment.

It's just a feature that's missing from the inital release of Miiverse. Miiverse has had continual improvements and changes since launch. They're not just going to dump Miiverse on the system and run.

If you're trying to compare not having the messaging feature in the initial release of Miiverse on 3DS to the recent stoppage of Swapnote you can stop right there as it's not the same at all.

( Edited 16.11.2013 19:55 by Sonic_13 )

Our member of the week

Sonic_13 said:
It's just a feature that's missing from the inital release of Miiverse. Miiverse has had continual improvements and changes since launch. They're not just going to dump Miiverse on the system and run.

Miiverse is a web based service. As a matter of fact the app is just a frontend that displays results of already existing web querries, exactly like the Facebook app on your phone calls already existing querries used by the FB website that came long before it.

All it would take them to include it is less than an hour of work for a web dev, in PHP (or whatever they use) and/or HTML5 to add to the app the function that says "call that already existing SQL querry on our servers and display the results". The messaging service IS already up and running, they only need to allow it to be displayed, it doesn't need to be reprogrammed to work on the 3DS.

Nintendo are just being slow as usual to implement the most basic of functions, or they are scared that the bigger userbase will make their servers crash with the data exchanges going on from day one, so they'd rather take baby steps with it and see how it goes in terms of server load just for exchanging public messages and screenshots, before investing in the right amount of servers that will be able to support all this crowd publishing and messaging each other (Heck, with with less than a million Wii U users in the first few weeks, the service was barely working at all, and almost impossible to access for the first week, I recall that perfectly!)

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
Heck, with with less than a million Wii U users in the first few weeks, the service was barely working at all, and almost impossible to access for the first week, I recall that perfectly!
Miiverse? Interesting that you had that trouble. I've never heard of anyone having trouble accessing Miiverse like you did.

( Edited 17.11.2013 00:27 by Sonic_13 )

Sonic_13 said:
RudyC3 said:
Heck, with with less than a million Wii U users in the first few weeks, the service was barely working at all, and almost impossible to access for the first week, I recall that perfectly!
Miiverse? Interesting that you had that trouble. I've never heard of anyone having trouble accessing Miiverse like you did.
Yeah, I could access Miiverse perfectly fine. The only time it went down for me is when Nintendo actually said that it would be down for a couple of hours.

When you said Miiverse had trouble in the beginning, I thought you meant it didn't have enough users to get a lively community. And even that wasn't true, it was awesome from the beginning.

The only problem with Miiverse integration on 3DS I see is that it's not installed from the beginning. It will split the online userbase... Perhaps that's why they can't let it handle friend requests, because not everybody has the app?

Our member of the week

What I meant is that I had a hard time accessing Miiverse in the first week or so, I kept getting communication errors with Nintendo Network in general, and more often than not, it would display Miiverse like a website that's missing its CSS stylesheet, making it pretty much unusable.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Darkflame (guest) 18.11.2013#13

Sonic_13 said:
Darkflame (guest) said:
"Will someone think of the children!!"

Stupid overreactions. Lets go ban all talking to everyone and look all children in cupboards.

The only "stupid overreaction" here is your comment.

It's just a feature that's missing from the inital release of Miiverse. Miiverse has had continual improvements and changes since launch. They're not just going to dump Miiverse on the system and run.

If you're trying to compare not having the messaging feature in the initial release of Miiverse on 3DS to the recent stoppage of Swapnote you can stop right there as it's not the same at all.

Why would they stop Swapnote yet allow this?

Why, as has been pointed out, would sending messages be a "to be added" feature in an app for messaging?

Bug's I can understand, better interface, sure. Lots of stuff comes after release. Even slowness of servers is understandable. But this is a front end to something that exists already. 

Darkflame (guest) said:
Why would they stop Swapnote yet allow this?
Because it's not possible to do with Miiverse messaging the thing that caused Swapnote to be suspended (i.e. you can't send your own photos through Miiverse)

Darkflame (guest) said:
Why, as has been pointed out, would sending messages be a "to be added" feature in an app for messaging?
It likely has to do with the fact that Miiverse messaging is tied in with adding friends on Wii U and the 3DS currently has its own system for adding friends. It's a feature that can (and likely will) be added in the future, but requires a reworking of the 3DS's system software.

Sure, there are probably plenty of excuses for why this isn't there.

But there's simply no good excuse for this functionality to be missing. 

Here's a question (and it's not limited to this particular situation, though I will use it as an example):

If there is a situation where a feature, like messaging in 3DS Miiverse, requires additional development time but can easily be added in with a simple update later would you rather:
A) Get the service now with an update later
B) Wait X month(s) longer for everything to be complete and released at once?

( Edited 20.11.2013 07:21 by Sonic_13 )

Our member of the week

I'd rather get the service later personally. same with games that come in an incomplete package and release the rest in DLC later. Getting an incomplete experience early lessens the impact it has in the long term in my opinion.

Same reason why TVii won't be as impressive as it could have been IF and WHEN it arrives in Europe, cause there aren't many people who will still be looking forward to it when it lands. It should have been an integrated part of the Wii U system to begin with, not a menu that says "unavaible now" for over a year.

Who is going to be the most interested in Miiverse on 3DS? People who know it from their experience with it on Wii U where it was part of the system from day 1. Other people who don't own a Wii U and aren't ardent fans of Nintendo probably don't know or don't care about it now (probably until they DO try it) and when the experience arrives on the handheld and it's not as complete as what we've come to expect of Miiverse, then it'll leave a bad taste from the get-go.

But with all of that being said however, I have to give the thumbs up to this:

Sonic_13 said:
It likely has to do with the fact that Miiverse messaging is tied in with adding friends on Wii U and the 3DS currently has its own system for adding friends. It's a feature that can (and likely will) be added in the future, but requires a reworking of the 3DS's system software.

That indeed would be a valid reason it hasn't been implemented yet, the 3DS friend system not being compatible with the Nintendo Network friend system. Since, indeed, you can't message people who are not in your friend list. But then I would rather wait a few months longer for it, so that it lands on 3DS with a big BANG effect that makes people turn their sights to it more from the vastly improved experience. Here, Miiverse won't really be Miiverse, it'll just have the name, but won't provide the same experience.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Miiverse had to be released together with ALBW. I bet it's the perfect game to share screenshots, secrets, locations and achievements of.

Our member of the week

Canyarion said:
Miiverse had to be released together with ALBW. I bet it's the perfect game to share screenshots, secrets, locations and achievements of.

As long as people use the spoilers tag properly, then yeah ^^. Cause as a long term Zelda fan, I prefer finding secrets on my own, unless I am really really stuck on finding those last hard to find couple heart pieces and the like.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

What I do on Wii U is let it only show posts from friends. I expect them to use proper spoiler tags. And if not: unfriend. Smilie

There are a lot of posts and strongly worded for something not very important, thats what I think, not anyone can make clear to me why we should care about this, so I will just ignore this chat and play the games.

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