3DS Sells 452,000 Consoles in North America During October

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.11.2013 1

3DS Sells 452,000 Consoles in North America During October on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have responded to the strong performance of the Nintendo 3DS in the latest NPD results for October.

3DS, 3DS everywhere. The latest Nintendo portable has performed exceptionally well in the last six months, taking the lead for best-selling video game hardware, including home console sales, for the sixth month in a row. Together with the new 2DS console and the 3DS XL, all three totalled a combined 452,000 units sold during October alone.

Image for 3DS Sells 452,000 Consoles in North America During October

The success can mainly be attributed to the launch of Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, together with the new 2DS console - it was double the previous month's tally, and according to Nintendo, the most units any portable or home console sold in a single month in the US this year.

1.7 million units of Pokémon X and Pokémon Y were sold during October, making the tally for first party software more than 2 million for month, the highest report since December 2011.

Where you one of the US fans who bought a Nintendo 3DS or Pokémon during October?

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For the foreseeable future the 3DS will simply be the best console to own, handheld or otherwise. With Phoenix Wright just released, and Zelda coming soon, it's really reassuring to see Nintendo kicking butt in their most important market.

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