New Bravely Default EU Demo, Trailer and Collector's Edition for North America

By Az Elias 13.11.2013 2

New Bravely Default EU Demo, Trailer and Collector

Nintendo today revealed a new trailer for Square Enix's upcoming RPG Bravely Default for Nintendo 3DS.

Whilst previously already confirmed for a December 6th release in Europe, the game will arrive in North America on February 7th, next year.

The Bravely Default Deluxe Edition was also announced for North America, which is mostly the same collector's edition as the European one, except it doesn't contain the figurine. Included in North America's version is the game, a soundtrack CD, an art book and 34 AR cards.

The final box art also reiterates the dropping of "Flying Fairy" as the game's subtitle, just simply being called "Bravely Default."

Europeans can download a free demo of the game right now on the Nintendo 3DS eShop, which has a 30-play limit.

Watch the new "Adventure Trailer" below.

Box art for Bravely Default
Also known as

Bravely Default: For the Sequel






Turn Based RPG



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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Amazing how the American version doesn't include the figurine. I wonder if it will also be cheaper there.

I've noticed that the US have the same box art as the original Bravely Default whereas the UK and Europe have got the "For the Sequel" box art used in Japan. Smilie

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