Nintendo to Issue Wii Karaoke U Content Warnings due to Uncensored Songs

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.11.2013 10

Nintendo to Issue Wii Karaoke U Content Warnings due to Uncensored Songs on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have confirmed that a handful of warnings will be included in Wii Karaoke U after complaints of explicit lyrics.

Whilst the general package is clean, there are also songs which have remained uncensored and unchanged from the original source material. It's lead some users to question why there aren't any clear parental warnings to ensure youngers can't access these tunes. One of the tracks, amusingly, is Afroman's Colt 45 - which involves tales of doing all sorts of dodgy things on beds and on the floor - ooh, er!

To fix the potential parental meltdown, Nintendo will show a warning on the eShop page and whenever additional content is downloaded.

What are your thoughts on the situation and the inclusion of songs with explicit lyrics?

Box art for Wii Karaoke U








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Nintendo, brilliant.

From the sounds of things it was a few sites complaining about the inclusion of the track, can't be too sure. Doesn't bother me in the slightest, though adding a warning is the obvious best step.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

So funny seeing Miis of all things singing and dancing to that song.

I think it's great Nintendo have left these songs uncensored!

If anyone wants my 7 day trial, I'm selling it. Would €6.50 be a good price? =)

Canyarion said:
If anyone wants my 7 day trial, I'm selling it. Would €6.50 be a good price? =)

You're selling a trial to a game?

I got 7 days when I bought a new Wii U. I don't want them, so yeah I think it's worth some money. Smilie A day pass is €5 while a month costs €15 I think?

I would like a trial but, I cant go higher than 1.50, would that be ok with you Canarion?

Well, for such prices I'd rather keep it myself. Thanks though. Smilie

Nintendo often seems way too paranoid about this stuff. That's why they shut SwapNote down too.

JadePharaoh said:
That's why they shut SwapNote down too.
They shut down SwapNote because pedophiles were using it to get nude pictures of children.

Canyarion said:
Well, for such prices I'd rather keep it myself. Thanks though. Smilie

Ok! Thanks for the offer, I'm sure someone else will be able to offer you the price you want, and maybe I will ask the game for christmas Smilie

( Edited 11.11.2013 21:03 by , )

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