No DLC Planned for Super Mario 3D World Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.11.2013 6

No DLC Planned for Super Mario 3D World Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Super Mario 3D World producer Yoshiaki Koizumi has confirmed that DLC for the upcoming Wii U game is unlikely.

Nintendo have been giving Mario fans succulent deserts when it came to expanding the New Super Mario Bros. U concept, introducing faster-paced and more challenging levels in the New Super Luigi U DLC pack this Summer. Will the team continue the trend with the new 3D game?

Speaking to French site Gamekult this week, Koizumi stated that there aren't any plans to release DLC for the game at the moment. Koizumi concluded by stating that there would be the possibility of returning to a more open-world approach for the Mario series if there's enough demand for it.

What are your thoughts on Koizumi's comments - what would you like to see in a new Mario title?

Box art for Super Mario 3D World





3D Platformer



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There certainly is demand for a new open world Mario! I really hope they don't ignore that demand.. if their market researchers are doing there job (you have to wonder right?) then it shouldn't be hard for them to see.

As for DLC, if certain rumours about another playable character are true then I'll be happy forever with or without DLC. Smilie

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RE Open world Mario: I think their issue is that there is the hardcore demand, it would make the die hard Nintendo fans stop moaning...but it just won't sell in the same volumes...

Flynnie said:
RE Open world Mario: I think their issue is that there is the hardcore demand, it would make the die hard Nintendo fans stop moaning...but it just won't sell in the same volumes...

Nintendo still make things like Pikmin and Kirby, I don't think they're as concerned about sales as other Japanese devs currently are thankfully.

Though I do think that more than demand it has to do with how much they actually want to make it, haha.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Flynnie said:
RE Open world Mario: I think their issue is that there is the hardcore demand, it would make the die hard Nintendo fans stop moaning...but it just won't sell in the same volumes...

Here are the sales numbers:
Super Mario 64: 11.62 million
Super Mario Sunshine: 5.5 million
Super Mario Galaxy: 11.72 million
Super Mario Galaxy 2: 6.36 million

Super Mario 3D Land: 8.29 million

Sonic_13 said:
Flynnie said:
RE Open world Mario: I think their issue is that there is the hardcore demand, it would make the die hard Nintendo fans stop moaning...but it just won't sell in the same volumes...

Here are the sales numbers:
Super Mario 64: 11.62 million
Super Mario Sunshine: 5.5 million
Super Mario Galaxy: 11.72 million
Super Mario Galaxy 2: 6.36 million

Super Mario 3D Land: 8.29 million

Now compare that to

New Super Mario Bros DS: 29million
New Super Mario Bros Wii : 26 millio 

I can imagine Nintendo take longer and thus spend more money making an open world Mario. I am not saying the sidescrolling games are bad at all, but they are the money makers of the world. It is a shame really as the open world games on that list far surpass the quality of the sidescrolling games but yet can only manage a 1/3 of what the sidescrollers can

Flynnie said:
Sonic_13 said:
Flynnie said:
RE Open world Mario: I think their issue is that there is the hardcore demand, it would make the die hard Nintendo fans stop moaning...but it just won't sell in the same volumes...

Here are the sales numbers:
Super Mario 64: 11.62 million
Super Mario Sunshine: 5.5 million
Super Mario Galaxy: 11.72 million
Super Mario Galaxy 2: 6.36 million

Super Mario 3D Land: 8.29 million

Now compare that to

New Super Mario Bros DS: 29 million
New Super Mario Bros Wii : 26 million 

I can imagine Nintendo take longer and thus spend more money making an open world Mario. I am not saying the sidescrolling games are bad at all, but they are the money makers of the world. It is a shame really as the open world games on that list far surpass the quality of the sidescrolling games but yet can only manage a 1/3 of what the sidescrollers can

But sales numbers of Super Mario 3D Land, which is obviously what the new game is based on, has sales numbers equivalent to that of the rest of the 3D/open world games.

I think when people (in general) are buying Mario games they don't look at them as open-world or not. They simply look at whether they are 2D or 3D.

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