Euro eShop Nintendo Updates Include Wii Sports Club, Pikmin DLC and Mario & Sonic

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.11.2013 2

Euro eShop Nintendo Updates Include Wii Sports Club, Pikmin DLC and Mario & Sonic on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest Club Nintendo updates this week include the launch of Wii Sports Club with Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games.

This week's roster for Europe boasts a range of new titles and discounts on classic Nintendo 3DS and Wii U games from Ubisoft. Headlining the pack is Wii Sports Club, with Bowling and Tennis each available as day passes or €9.99 (£8.99) outright. Batman: Arkham Origins is bringing a slice of noir action, Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy pimping out puzzles and DLC content now available for Pikmin 3.

Wii U eShop

  • Wii Sports Club: Day pass - Free when first starting the software. Normally €1.99 (£1.79)
  • Wii Sports Club: Bowling - €9.99 (£8.99)
  • Wii Sports Club: Tennis- €9.99
  • Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games - €49.99 (£39.99)
  • Batman: Arkham Origins - €59.99 (£49.99)
  • Toki Tori - €1.99 (£1.79) - Will be  €3.99 (£3.59) from December 12th.

3DS eShop

  • KORG M01D - €24.99 (£19.99)
  • Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy - €44.99 (£39.99)
  • Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate - €39.99 (£34.99)
  • Regular Show: Mordecai & Rigby in 8-Bit Land - €34.99 (£28.49)
  • My Little Baby 3D - €3.99 (£3.35)
  • Brunch Panic - €3.99 (£3.35)
  • Arcade Classics 3D - €2.99 (£2.50) - will be €3.99 (£3.30) from 29 November.

Special offers

  • Toki Tori 2+ - €8.99 (£7.79) until 14/11/13

Add-on Content

  • Pikmin 3: Battle Enemies! Stages 7-10 - €1.99 (£1.79)

Permanent Price Reduction

  • Assassin's Creed III - €19.99 (£15.99)
  • Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth - €19.99 (£15.99)
  • Rabbids Land - €19.99 (£15.99)
  • Sports Connection - €19.99 (£15.99)
  • Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2013 - €19.99 (£15.99)
  • ZombiU - €19.99 (£15.99)
Which of these downloads will you download on the eShop this week?

Box art for Wii Sports Club: Tennis








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I guess that also means another free level for Pikmin 3!

By the way, kind of weird that Wii Sports Club and [email protected] are released on the same day. Wouldn't it have been better  to spread it out to avoid competition?

Canyarion said:
I guess that also means another free level for Pikmin 3!

By the way, kind of weird that Wii Sports Club and [email protected] are released on the same day. Wouldn't it have been better  to spread it out to avoid competition?

Good point actually, weird move, though M&S have the retail advantage in some ways.

They really should release the final Wii Sports Club as a retail disc and/or bundle - wasted opportunity if it stays eShop only, imo.

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