Zelda: A Link Between Worlds - New Details on Items, Potions

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.10.2013 1

Zelda: A Link Between Worlds - New Details on Items, Potions on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A range of new details on the opening sections of The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds has surfaced.

Before continuing to the treasure trove of details below, be warned traveller - there are many, many spoilers below.

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Use of Items

  • Ravio, the owner of the item rental shop, will provide Link with the Ravio's Bracelet.
  • Rented items have purple bunny ears on them, and requires an energy meter.
  • The bracelet also saves Link from being turned into a painting by new enemy Yuga.
  • A shop in Kakariko allows players to buy a sheild and various fruit for 50 Rupees each.
  • The Foul Fruit scares enemies in an area, whilst the Scoot Fruit can warp players out of dungeons.
  • Bees, caught in a bottle, can be sold to a "bee guy" in exchange for 50 Rupees.
  • The Sand Rod, an item in Ravio's shop, will only be available later on  as it's currently being rented by one of the descendants of the Sages.
  • All other items can be rented after beating the Eastern Palace, varying between 20 to 100 Rupees.
  • If players get a game over, a bird creature will take all rented items back.
  • Items can only be upgraded if bought, not rented.
  • The Zora Flippers must be earnt from from the Zora Queen.
  • The Power Glove is given to players from an old lumberjack who lifts rocks. It'll allow Link to pick up smaller rocks, but the Titan's Mitts are required for the bigger obstacles.


  • The witch hut offers four potions: red, blue, yellow and purple.
  • The red potion heals eight hearts, the blue heals all hearts requires monster remains.
  • The yellow potion acts as a temporary guard, whilst the purple potion can damage enemies in the nearby environment.
More tidbits from the game can be found here.

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds





Action Adventure



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I know the guy who was the original source. Smilie He was at some Nintendo party and while everybody else was drinking beer, they let him play the full version of the game for more than 3 hours. Smilie

By the way, I started doing Zelda podcasts with him and another Zelda fan. So far we have a podcast about Oracle of Ages and a sort-of-review of the new elements of TWWHD. www.youtube.com/zeldapodsmashers

I'll be avoiding ALBW spoilers by the way...

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