Euro eShop Updates: 31/10 includes Wii Fit U, Castlevania and Resident Evil

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.10.2013 2

Euro eShop Updates: 31/10 includes Wii Fit U, Castlevania  and Resident Evil on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Get in shape with Wii Fit U as part of this week's European eShop updates.

The latest roster of games and offers to be available on the 31st include Hotel Transylvania, SNES classic Super Castlevania IV, plus a handful of discounts on various Ubisoft and Capcom titles.

The Wii Fit U trial will be available from 1st November to 31st January, for 31 days from the first time the game is launched. To unlock the full game, players can purchase a Fit Meter accessory or wait till 1st February 2014.

Wii U eShop

Wii Fit U Trial Version - 1st November 2013 to 31st January 2014
Super Castlevania IV (SNES VC) - 31/10 - €7.99 (£5.49)

3DS eShop

Hotel Transylvania - 31/10 - €19.99 (£17.99)

Wii U eShop Discounts

Assassin's Creed III - 31/10 to 7/11 - €14.99 (£11.99)
Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth - 31/10 to 7/11 - €14.99 (£11.99)
ZombiU - 31/10 to 7/11 - €14.99 (£11.99)
Resident Evil Revelations - 31/10 to 14/11 - €29.99 (£23.99)
Rabbids Land - 31/10 to 7/11 - €14.99 (£11.99)
Sports Connection - 31/10 to 7/11 - €14.99 (£11.99)
Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2013 - 31/10 to 7/11 - €14.99 (£11.99)
Trine 2: Director's Cut - 31/10 to 7/11 - €6.79 (£5.49)

3DS eShop Discounts

Resident Evil The Mercenaries 3D - 31/10 to 7/11 - €5.99 (£5.39)
Resident Evil Revelations - 31/10 to 7/11 - €17.99 (£14.99)
Football Up 3D - 31/10 to 28/11 - €4.19 (£3.59)
2 Fast 4 Gnomz - 31/10 to 28/11 - €2.99 (£2.69)

Permanent Price Reductions

MYST (3DS) - €13.99 (£12.59). Was €19.99 (£17.99)
Aqua Moto Racing 3D - €7.99 (£7.19). Was €9.99 (£8.99)

Which of these games will you download this week on the European eShop?

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£12 for ZombieU Is a fantastic deal as are some others.

Definately going to get WiiFit U though may wait until the new year to get it. Am glad I only have to buy the WiiFitMetre though at £20, it's still not exactly cheap.

Haha, another discount for Trine 2. I always tell all my friends to get this game! It has online multiplayer with voice chat, it's really fun and oh so pretty.

Interesting discount on all the Ubisoft games. It's hard to resist ZombiU for €15... thing is that I didn't like the controls in the demo. So sluggish.

Edit: Sadly I don't have a Balance Board. With the Fit Meter, I'm finaly interested in the game. And £20 is a lot cheaper than what I expected. I'm thinking about picking up a used BB.

It's weird really... you can choose between the Fit Meter for £20 and download the game for free. Or you buy the disc + Fit Meter... for £50? ò.Õ

( Edited 28.10.2013 22:37 by Canyarion )

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