Original Wii to be Discontinued in Europe

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.10.2013 1

Original Wii to be Discontinued in Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has confirmed that the original Wii is also discontinued in Europe.

If you're in the UK and Europe, looking for a Wii this holiday season, the hardware will soon be left to second hand markets, the Wii Mini, and possibly fetching high price if bought new. This week Nintendo UK confirmed that "Wii imports to Europe have been discontinued", but players wanting to experience the console can still play all the existing titles on the new Wii U hardware.

The latest system update for Wii U also incorporates off-TV play for Wii games, enabling fans the opportunity to play Wii games on the controller screen without using a TV.

The budget friendly Wii Mini will also live on for the time being it seems, with Nintendo highlighting the possible 1,200 disc based titles to play on the ickle machine.

The hardware is still living on in the Americas for the near future, Nintendo confirmed.

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Darkflame (guest) 29.10.2013#1

And classics like Eternal Darkness get even more harder to play Smilie

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