Nintendo 2DS Drops to £99 in UK Retail

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.10.2013 6

Nintendo 2DS Drops to £99 in UK Retail on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The price of the Nintendo 2DS is now below £100 at various UK retailers.

With the console launching at £109.99 two weeks ago on October 12th, the hardware has been shaved £10 to now be pitched at the far more accessible £99 price point. Tesco Direct, Sainsburys and Amazon are just three of the major retailers in the UK who have dropped prices for the new hardware in anticipation for the holiday season.

Fellow catalogue store Argos will also sell the console from £99 this week, bundling LEGO The Lord of the Rings and Moshi Monsters: Katsuma Unleashed until October 26th.


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Ive heard the Argos deal on the radio but couldnt seem to find it on their website earlier....not that i want a 2DS anyway!

Flynnie said:
Ive heard the Argos deal on the radio but couldnt seem to find it on their website earlier....not that i want a 2DS anyway!

Deal starts tomorrow.

Where on earth have you been!!

Should have been this price to start with. This'll make the 2DS an entire digit less which is what parents will pick up on more easily.

Darkflame (guest) 23.10.2013#5

Better. Still needs to be cheaper though.
Its not just not 3D, its not portable anymore. The rules out a lot of the point of a DS over a home console.
(Especialy when home consoles can now -also- let you sit on the toliet playing...)

I might buy one for my brother's birthday or xmas... (He's 6)

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