Latest Euro Updates Include Sonic, Hot Wheels

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.10.2013 5

Latest Euro Updates Include Sonic, Hot Wheels on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

This week's Nintendo eShop updates for Europe include a slice of Sonic, Hot Wheels and NES classics.

Sonic the Hedgehog leads the pack with the launch of Sonic Lost World in Europe on Friday 18th October, followed closely by Hot Wheels World's Best Driver.

Nintendo Wii U eShop Updates

  • Sonic Lost World - 18/10/13 - €49.99/£39.99
  • Hot Wheels World's Best Driver - 18/10/13 - €39.99/£29.99
  • Game Festival 2 - 17/10/13 - €24.99/£19.99
  • Urban Champion (VC/NES) - 17/10/13 - €3.99/£3.59
  • Clu Clu Land (VC/NES) - 17/10/13 - €4.99/£3.49

Nintendo 3DS eShop Updates

  • Sonic Lost World - 18/10/13 - €34.99/£34.99
  • City Connection (VC/NES) - 17/10/13 - €3.99/£3.59
  • Cute Witch! runner - €1.99/£1.79

Special Offers

  • SteamWorld Dig - €7.19/£6.39 from 17/10 to 20/10
  • Aqua Moto Racing 3D - €5.99/£5.39 from 17/10 to 31/10

Permanent Reductions

  • Planet Crashers 3D - €4.99/£4.49
Will you be downloading any of these titles this week on Wii U or 3DS?

Box art for Sonic Lost World

Sonic Team




3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (4 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Sonic is out this week? It's strange, the marketing hype has gone ice cold in the last couple of weeks! Bizarre....Either way, will probably wait until the inevitable price drop in 3-4 weeks regardless of how good the game is!

Flynnie said:
Sonic is out this week? It's strange, the marketing hype has gone ice cold in the last couple of weeks! Bizarre....Either way, will probably wait until the inevitable price drop in 3-4 weeks regardless of how good the game is!

To be fair, I was the same - followed lots of Sonic Lost World trailers recently but completely forgot it was out this week. Nintendo are publishing the game in the UK and Europe - not sure what they're planning ad wise (if any).

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I would be watching trailers of Sonic Lost World if SEGA actually released a good English trailer that doesn't have an obnoxious commentator completely killing the mood. Smilie I'm getting it anyway, though.

I really want it, i will get it, just not yet, with Pokemon Y, Raymen Legends and a bunch of other stuff I am just too swamped in games! 

I can't help but think Nintendo aren't going to put any ads out for this!

First time i trusted an online job add and managed to make 90$ in 5 hours... ℯ­x­i­t­3­5­.­c­o­m

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