New Pikachu Pokémon Game in Development

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.10.2013 1

New Pikachu Pokémon Game in Development on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Pokémon Company CEO Tsunekazu Ishihara will be appearing on Japanese TV later this month to potentially reveal a new game.

According to a listing for Japanese program NHK Professional, Ishihara will be on TV on October 28th. The description highlights how "this summer Ishihara started development on a never before seen game", a title that features Pikachu at the helm. However the title is said to represent the electric mouse in a "bold way" and there's concern he might even "lose popularity in the blink of an eye."


What Pokémon title do you think is in development and featuring Pikachu?

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pokemon lover alex (guest) 09.10.2013#1

that new game might be a remake of Pokemon yellow, but with a mega evolved pikachu or raichu, or what if they give pikachu two optional evolution instead of one

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