Shoot Aliens, Dance and Tap in a New Wii U Party Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.10.2013 2

Shoot Aliens, Dance and Tap in a New Wii U Party Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest gameplay footage of Wii Party U has revealed even more fun-filled family events to enjoy in the living room.

New events that make use of the GamePad were shown, in addition to a new horizontal stand that'll make propping the controller up far easier and more secure as players race to those buttons.

One of the events shown was called "Water Runners", where players scoop water shown on the GamePad using Wii remotes, then carrying to a pitcher shown on the TV without spilling a virtual drop. Another,  "Dance with Me", sees players boogying around a GamePad screen on the floor.

Shooting aliens, weaving yarns and pressing controller buttons in order, were just some of the games shown during today's Nintendo Direct.


Will you setup a Wii Party U in your living room this holiday season?

Box art for Wii Party U

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Why does Nintendo change the names of so many mini-games? In the European Nintendo Direct, the dance game was called Folk Dance something. For NA it's Dance with Me?

Same with Streetpass Quest and Find Mii. Makes no sense.

Localisers eh.....

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