Mobile or console? A recent survey conducted for the App Developer Conference reveals a potential shift towards console, PC.
According to GamesIndustry, the survey highlighted two key issues for those creating content for mobile and tablet systems - piracy and discoverability - making it a challenge to succeed and stand out on the over-crowded marketplace.
The results also highlighted how nearly half of those asked made no profit at all.
Developers that GamesIndustry spoke to during the course of the conference suggested that a number of mobile teams are "at least thinking" of moving away from these platforms as "Having to give your game away for 69 cents a throw (after Apple's and Google's cut) and then competing with 1000 new apps each day is hardly a draw for anybody."
The mobile space does give the "largest customer base and relatively low development costs", said Jeffrey Lim a producer at Wicked Dog Games, but admitted that it is becoming "harder to be profitable".
He added that "we do think developers (especially indies) are considering going back to develop for the PC - and even game consoles."
Chillingo COO Ed Rumley feels that it's more of an issue of content for the mixed mobile success, as he feels that consumers can easily "spot second rate games a mile off" and that these devices are the most "innovative gaming platform the world has ever seen".
Do you feel that the mobile market is reaching a saturation point?