Wii Sports Club Returns to Wii U eShop with Online Play, HD Graphics, MotionPlus

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.09.2013 10

Wii Sports Club Returns to Wii U eShop with Online Play, HD Graphics, MotionPlus on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have announced plans to create a new entry in the popular Wii Sports series for Wii U as downloads on the eShop.

The five original Wii Sports titles - bowling, tennis, baseball, boxing and golf - are set to make a return to the living room with HD graphics, MotionPlus controls, online multiplayer versus mode.

Known as Wii Sports Club, players will be able to register into regional clubs, interacting via Miiverse during matches. Online play will be divided into casual matches against own-club members or against rival clubs to increase rankings.

Image for Wii Sports Club Returns to Wii U eShop with Online Play, HD Graphics, MotionPlus
Image for Wii Sports Club Returns to Wii U eShop with Online Play, HD Graphics, MotionPlus
Image for Wii Sports Club Returns to Wii U eShop with Online Play, HD Graphics, MotionPlus

Tennis and Bowling will be released on 7th November, with the remaining sports primed to release in the following months.Those who download Wii Sports Club will receive a free trial pass to play any of the games for 24-hours, and day passes available for £1.79 (€1.99). Games will then be able to purchase permanently at £8.99 (€9.99)/each.



What are your thoughts on the new Wii Sports Club, online play and the day-pass model?

Box art for Wii Sports Club: Tennis








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Online play sounds cool but the pricing doesn't. Lots of room for temporary sales, though.

Good grief! That pricing is atrocious. Seriously, the day pass pricing is more akin to what the actual permanent pricing should be. 

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Well, I called it. I made a thread a few months ago that Nintendo should make a new Wii Sports, this time with HD graphics and online mode.
Of course I also wanted new Upad gameplay, but I guess that was too much to ask.

But what, pay to play? That sounds like a terrible idea!!!

I MIGHT get Tennis one day, but even for that I'll probably wait until it's on sale.

Sounds good, but agree the permanent pricing is way too high - £5/6 at best, imo. At those pricing, if Nintendo don't do a deal on all 5 games, then it'll cost £45 total for new Wii Sports U.

£45. For Wii Sports? Madness.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Nintendo?.........Online Play on WiiU?...............Wow, they've actually bothered for a change. :/

£5 each would have been much more appropriate as I'd want to get bowling, golf and tennis but £27 for 3 mini games is just too much. Unless of course they add a lot more content to each game......

( Edited 18.09.2013 20:04 by Ifrit XXII )

Only Nintendo get away with re-packaging software  years later and selling it for full price! The atrocious thing is that people will buy it even at that price.

....make FZero GX online and throw in a few extra features then we might start talking....

Darkflame (guest) 18.09.2013#7

Depends how solidly its all made, with how many options, how well the single player is etc.

A solid golf game, for example, could easily be worth £8.99.  

In either case, they need a retail version and perhaps a combo pack with the WiiU.  This title needs to be visible. People that bought Wii's for Golf, Fit etc need to see these titles improved significantly for this system...not merely as a download tucked away somewhere.

Darkflame (guest) said:
Depends how solidly its all made, with how many options, how well the single player is etc.
What are you talking about? We already know what it's going to be like. It's Wii Sports online and in HD.

We'll be lucky if we get the "Training" minigames with it. And maaaaaaaaaybe they'll include the gameplay that they showed with the reveal of the Wii U (using the Gamepad for extra play options).
But probably not.

Oh and I'd love an online F-Zero, even if it's just a lazy port.

Yes! I will definitely be downloading Wii Sports Club with Tennis and Bowling. The online play sounds fantastic and pricing sounds good.

Flynnie said:
Only Nintendo get away with re-packaging software years later and selling it for full price! The atrocious thing is that people will buy it even at that price.

....make FZero GX online and throw in a few extra features then we might start talking....

You criticize Nintendo for updating and reselling previously released software...before immediately expressing a desire for it to happen to F-Zero GX...

( Edited 18.09.2013 22:52 by Sonic_13 )

Flynnie said:
Only Nintendo get away with re-packaging software  years later and selling it for full price! The atrocious thing is that people will buy it even at that

lets not forget that japan actually had to pay full price for wii sports as it never came packed in with the console. Packing it with wii in the west was smart biz, they should have done the same again with the wii u. I do expect nintendo to release a retail version no doubt with wiimote packed in. As many have said the full download price needs looking at but I half expect that price to drop within a yr but the rental price is nice and should make ninty a decent profit. Rental price perfect for holiday occasions and family get togethers

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