New Artwork from Taxi Journey Kickstarter Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.09.2013

New Artwork from Taxi Journey Kickstarter Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Developer Lexis Numerique has launched a Kickstarter campaign Taxi Journey, a new 2D story-heavy project seeking funding.

The concept is an original adventure/puzzle game set in a brand new, gorgeous 2D universe that draws inspiration from Limbo or Machinarium. Taxi Journey revolves around two characters - Gino and Zoey. Together they'll navigate an environment, solving puzzles and interacting with their surroundings - Zoey can catch electricity/sounds, where as Gino can grab anything by its reflection.

Platforms pitched include PC, Wii U, PSVita, PSN and XBLA.

The team have released new concept screenshots as a taster of what gameplay ideas to expect if the game meets its $130,000 target by October 12th.

Image for New Artwork from Taxi Journey Kickstarter Wii U
Image for New Artwork from Taxi Journey Kickstarter Wii U
Image for New Artwork from Taxi Journey Kickstarter Wii U



What are your thoughts on the Taxi Journey concept?

Box art for Taxi Journey

Lexis Numerique


Lexis Numerique





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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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