The Pokémon Company have released new details on the starter and Mega Evolutions in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y.
The details were first mentioned earlier this week in Japanese magazine CoroCoro but have since been translated. Chespin will evolve into Quilladin, Fennekin into Braixen and Froakie into Frogadier.
The new details also include a critter known as Furfrou, a poodle that can be styled in a manner of different looks depending on how it's groomed. In addition, a pyschic-type Meowstic was revealed, taking on different moves depending on its gender.Male Meowstick can learn Miracle Eye to ensure attacks connect, whilst Meowstic female can use Extrasensory. Two genders of a new proud beast Pyroar was revealed.

Remember Mega Mewtwo? The multiple mega evolutions were also confirmed, which will evolve depending on which type of Mega Stone is held - Mewtwonite X or Mewtwonite Y. Mewtwo Y will have a boost to Special Attack, whilst Mewtwo Y will gain a fighting type.
Baddies in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y were shown-off, including scientists from the mysterious Team Flare, with each having their own hair colour.

Finally a nifty trailer for your viewing pleasure:
What are your thoughts on these new beasts and the Mega Mewtwo evolution?