A Look at the Bosses in Sonic Lost World

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.09.2013 1

A Look at the Bosses in Sonic Lost World on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A trailer of the boss sequences from the Wii U version of Sonic Lost World has emerged.

With weeks to go before Sonic the Hedgehog spins into living rooms and pockets once more, a trailer of each of the boss battles has been posted online (contains big spoilers). Some of these are reminiscent to stages found in Super Mario Galaxy, defying gravity whilst dodging all sorts, and will be sure to give Sonic a run for his money!

The video quality will be replaced with a improved version shortly.


What are your thoughts on these Galaxy-esque boss battles?

Box art for Sonic Lost World

Sonic Team




3D Platformer



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Aaron (guest) 13.09.2013#1

Why is the male with purple hair emo? LOL. XD

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