Activision: Call of Duty Scenarios are Still Plausible

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.09.2013 3

Activision: Call of Duty Scenarios are Still Plausible on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Activision have hit back at critics after the latest campaign trailer for Call of Duty: Ghosts depicted space action.

The solo player campaign, which aired earlier this week, had some scenes taking place in space. The new footage has had its fair share of critics, who feel the new game is becoming a little detached from reality. However Activision community manager Dam Arich said on his blog that Call of Duty "still plays in the realm of plausibility" and these new scenarios are "actually more science than science fiction".

Amrich went onto say that the explosive rods shown in the footage are possible in reality, stating that the US Air Force have considered using the tech as a means of attack.

What are your thoughts on where Call of Duty is heading?

Box art for Call of Duty: Ghosts

Infinity Ward




First Person Shooter



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CoD is a franchise I see as growing more and more stale each year. I've bought em every year since Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops 2 was the last straw for me really. I can't seem to find any interest in this game.

My only problem is, do I buy the game on WiiU to show support for Activision's support anyway or do I not buy it and not contribute to what is gonna be a low userbase anyway? :/

( Edited 11.09.2013 20:54 by Ifrit XXII )

Ifrit XXII said:
My only problem is, do I buy the game on WiiU to show support for Activision's support anyway or do I not buy it and not contribute to what is gonna be a low userbase anyway? :/

Buy a Wii U copy.

dagger (guest) 12.09.2013#3

Ifrit XXII said:
CoD is a franchise I see as growing more and more stale each year. I've bought em every year since Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops 2 was the last straw for me really. I can't seem to find any interest in this game.

My only problem is, do I buy the game on WiiU to show support for Activision's support anyway or do I not buy it and not contribute to what is gonna be a low userbase anyway? :/

You buy a game if you want a game to enjoy. To buy a game just to give Activision money and to 'show support for Wii U' is silly in my opinion, unless you really do have money to burn. What, you gonna buy every single game on the Wii U to 'show support' for the console too? If you want it, buy it for the console you want it for if you intend to play it. Otherwise, don't buy it at all if you can't be bothered with the series any more. This would apply to every game on every console, regardless of that particular console's sales situation.

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