Wii Karaoke U Launching on 4th October in Europe

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.09.2013

Wii Karaoke U Launching on 4th October in Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have released more details on the sing-athon that is Wii Karaoke U - due out in Europe on October 4th.

The software, as previously highlighted, will come as a free download on the Nintendo eShop and include a launch-selection of 1500 songs by artists new and old.

Wii Karaoke U will require an internet collection to work, as songs are steamed directly from the server. Sessions will be priced at £1.79 for an hour, £4.49 for 24 hours or £13.49 for a month's worth of singing via the eShop. Those without a ticket can still browse the selection, create playlists and use the app. There'll also be a trial free one-hour ticket for those wanting to give the game a go.

Whilst belting out the latest pop hits, there'll be different scoring modes for the seasoned vocalist or newbie, plus a  Karaoke Battle mode for multiplayer. Those wanting tips to vocal perfection can also access a detailed performance breakdown based on melody, timing, smoothness, vibrato, glissando and overall technique.

This data can also be put through to the Online Rating section, where scores are tallied up and compared to other users in the same continent.

Wii Karaoke U launches on 4th October in Europe.

Will you don your singing skills in Wii Karaoke U?

Box art for Wii Karaoke U








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