Draw over Live TV on Wii U using Nintendo TVii

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.09.2013 8

Draw over Live TV on Wii U using Nintendo TVii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Wii U owners who tap into live TV moments using the Nintendo TVii app can now draw pictures directly onto the footage.

The app currently provides a running commentary of cable television and selected networks to get information on running TV shows. The service is only available in certain regions and is planned for release in Europe at some-point this year.

Confirmed by Nintendo of America earlier today, users are now able to pop on live doodles and commentary on key moments. An amazing goal in a sports match? Draw it out. Fancy penning a doodle Shrek over Wayne Rooney or making an episode of Eastenders less gloomy? Well it's more than possible now.

Will you draw live commentary on your favourite TV shows and events?

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Nice! I like TVii and have always thought it had great potential, but needed more attention like Miiverse always gets.

This update is a fantastic addition to TVii. I hope we see more cool updates to it regularly in the future.

Ha, that's pretty neat. It's like having a telestrator at home! Probably won't get much use in practice, but could be cool for sports.

sigh... The TVii button in the UK is still a big pile of nothing.

TiiVii is confirmed for Europe? Do you have a link of that?

Here's how I suggest they handle TiiVii:

TiiVii has the definitive version of a Youtube browser. It also browses Blip.TV, Twitch.TV and other free internet-based TV.
On top of that, it has the Nintendo Channel, where you'll find all the Nintendo-owned TV series. F-Zero, Zelda, Kirby, Super Mario Super Show, you name it they've got it.
Oh and if possible it also has the TiiVii functions that we've known so far, with the DVR stuff.

That's something that would work everywhere and for everyone.

"Fancy penning a doodle Shrek over Wayne Rooney or making an episode of Eastenders less gloomy? Well it's more than possible now."

Not in PAL regions. A year on and TVii is still inactive in Europe and Down Under. I'll be surprised if we ever get it now.

This is a cool little feature...I just hope companies don't get all butt hurt over the fact that you can take "creative privileges" with their content. It should be ok as long as you can't save these doodles or post them to Mii Verse.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
Corey (guest) 05.09.2013#7

Frapp said:
"Fancy penning a doodle Shrek over Wayne Rooney or making an episode of Eastenders less gloomy? Well it's more than possible now."

Not in PAL regions. A year on and TVii is still inactive in Europe and Down Under. I'll be surprised if we ever get it now.

Just means Nintendo is beta testing the service on the Americans.... after they get all the bugs and features banged out, it should come.

Fun idea!! I love to draw mustaches on humans in the newspaper and magazines too, I hope I can do that with this too. Smilie

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