Fans Spoof Nintendo 2DS with 1DS Website Parody

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.09.2013 3

Fans Spoof Nintendo 2DS with 1DS Website Parody on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With Nintendo announcing the Nintendo 2DS last week, one fan has decided to create a spoof of a possible Nintendo 1DS console.

In the spoof-website, the Nintendo 1DS console is pitched as an amusing way to play 3DS/2DS games by removing the upper-screen and relying on the player to use either a TV or mobile phone as the upper-display, connecting using Bluetooth or HDMI. That or it the new 1DS device would play countless music videos of popular boy-band One Direction.

What are your thoughts on the hypothetical Nintendo 1DS - could this be the future of Nintendo handhelds?

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Darkflame (guest) 04.09.2013#1

This would have been a lot more fun if they actually knew what "1D" should mean.

Anyway, if this was a proper 1D console, then 1D Tetris should be bundled;

A 2DS with just 1 screen... wouldn't that make it a 2SS?

Have they been ordered to take it down? I see nothing...?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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