Kamiya Would Love Platinum to be Second Party for Nintendo

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.09.2013 10

Kamiya Would Love Platinum to be Second Party for Nintendo on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Hideki Kamiya, creator of The Wonderful 101, recently expressed a desire to become a second-party Nintendo developer.

Speaking to IGN this week, Kamiya said that he would "love to make" a sequel to the critically acclaimed The Wonderful 101, and is also thinking about making a sequel to one of his own titles. "We put a tremendous amount of work into this game and it would be unfortunate if I would not get the chance to tell a new story with these characters", he said.

He would also love to be able to make the original Bayonetta available on Wii U for those who haven't yet played the franchise debut.

Finally, when asked about the relationship between Platinum Games and Nintendo, potentially becoming a second-party developer, he said "I would love that. It would be great to work more closely with Nintendo."

Would you like to see a sequel to The Wonderful 101 and should Nintendo seek out Platinum Games as a second-party developer?

Box art for The Wonderful 101








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That would be nice. Smilie I personally don't like mature games, so their only game I'm interested in is TW101...

They should add in the first Bayonetta as a bonus for those who purchase the 2nd game at launch and then sell the game seperately on the eShop. Smilie

Man, If Nintendo could get Platinum Games and Atlus...Oh man, oh man, oh man! Awesome.

Our member of the week

They have some expertise with making HD games, so it would certainly help Nintendo churning out Wii U games a tad quicker than they've done so far as they, themselves, have admitted that they had trouble adjusting to HD (despite the HD era on consoles being already 6-7 years old, makes you wonder what they've been doing all this time instead of already getting prepared for what's next).

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Nintendo need a studio like platinum to continue the more obscure and random contentthey've been coming up with so far

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Nintendo sign them up now! 

When in doubt....Whip it out!

Hynaman said:
Nintendo sign them up now! 

I second the motion!

kingdom (guest) 03.09.2013#8



This would be an absolute boon for Nintendo, hopefully SEGA agrees & they can come to some sort of deal for SEGA to sell Platinum to Nintendo. SEGA gets some much needed $$$ & Platinum finds a much more financially stable company to call home.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Why does everybody think SEGA owns Platinum? I think they only hold the rights of Bayonetta or so?

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