Hideki Kamiya, creator of The Wonderful 101, recently expressed a desire to become a second-party Nintendo developer.
Speaking to IGN this week, Kamiya said that he would "love to make" a sequel to the critically acclaimed The Wonderful 101, and is also thinking about making a sequel to one of his own titles. "We put a tremendous amount of work into this game and it would be unfortunate if I would not get the chance to tell a new story with these characters", he said.
He would also love to be able to make the original Bayonetta available on Wii U for those who haven't yet played the franchise debut.
Finally, when asked about the relationship between Platinum Games and Nintendo, potentially becoming a second-party developer, he said "I would love that. It would be great to work more closely with Nintendo."
Would you like to see a sequel to The Wonderful 101 and should Nintendo seek out Platinum Games as a second-party developer?