Kickstarter Begins for Mysterious Cities of Gold Wii U, 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.08.2013 3

Kickstarter Begins for Mysterious Cities of Gold Wii U, 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Publisher Ynnis has launched a new Kickstarter campaign to bring Mysterious Cities of Gold to various platforms including Wii U, 3DS.

The studio are working on the new project that was originally going to be French only, but are now planning an international release this fall on PC, Wii U, 3DS, iPad and iPhone. Development has already reached beta status on Wii U.

The concept, which revolves around the classic French animé series, is pitched as a mix of puzzle and stealth in top-down perspective. The game itself draws heavily from the show, with cut-scenes and the lead cast of Esteban, Tao and Zia.


The team is a mix of various talent, including French indie studio Neko (who launched puzzle game Puddle), Cedric Littardi and Fleur Marty.

What are your thoughts on the Mysterious Cities of Gold concept - will you pledge your support?

Box art for The Mysterious Cities of Gold: Secret Paths








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Rated $score out of 10  6/10

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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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I heard Nintendo is in dire need of quality games for the WiiU, so eh, maybe they can help fund some of these kickstarter campaigns. Probably more than I can with the money I make, I think??
I didn't know companies could even get on kickstarter I thought it was a website to help out developers making software for the common good. Or is that bitcoin? I"m not into these things enough I admit.

I never heard of this series, never seen it. 
Despite looking to be easier gameplay like collecting diamonds or gold or something, finding hidden objects and doing easy switch puzzles, the game looks appealing to me, it has great graphics, hilarious animation and great use of clips from the series (which I never seen). It looks fun to play this game. I would like to get my hands on this game. German and English for me please, maybe french with subtitles to learn a bit more about this language. Sadly living in Germany, I never learned French properly. Took Latin instead. Silly me! Smilie

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

These guys blocked the trailer we uploaded, resulting in issues with C3's YouTube account, plus the latest episode of Nintendo Bytes had to be removed. Thus, these guys can go fuck themselves as far as I'm concerned.

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