Reggie on Online Nintendo Wii U Play, Digital Downloads and Gaming

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.08.2013 4

Reggie on Online Nintendo Wii U Play, Digital Downloads and Gaming on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime recently discussed the company's commitment to online play for Wii U and 3DS.

Whilst the company have been making strides in the online space, ever the since the dire first attempts with Super Smash Bros. Brawl, there are still various Nintendo games like Nintendo Land and the forthcoming Super Mario 3D World that lack the ability to play with others online.

For most players, Nintendo consoles are considered a haven for local multiplayer, but the same four player experience is still relatively sparse when compared to efforts from other studios. Fils-Aime said that "maybe people read into it, when a Nintendo first-party game doesn't have connected play, that somehow we're not interested in connected play", and contests this by highlighting how it's down to the developers and "the type of experience that they want to see happen."

With Super Mario 3D World, which unfortunately lacks online play, "the development team wanted people to be in the same space, having that fun enjoyment, that's the vision that they had in their head," Fils-Aime said. "Online play is always important".

As for digital gaming and downloads, Fils-Aime again highlights the increased volume of digital consumers with games like Animal Crossing: New Leaf for Nintendo 3DS. With just 32GB of storage on the Wii U console, however, will Nintendo consider a newer model with higher internal capacity?

The short answer is that the Wii U "has enough memory to get you going, and then if you love digital downloads and you want to keep downloading content, buy a separate external hard drive", with Nintendo wanting to "provide a value" to the consumer.

Do you think Nintendo should invest in more online support for traditionally offline titles like Super Mario Bros?

Box art for Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Also known as

Tobidase Doubutsu no Mori









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"the development team wanted people to be in the same space, having that fun enjoyment, that's the vision that they had in their head,"

That's all good and all but why not provide, oh I don't know, A CHOICE? Rather than forcing a "vision" on everyone because they're too lazy to do online, why not let those who would rather play online have that choice? Nintendo infuriate me sometimes when great games are not reaching their full potential. :/

( Edited 30.08.2013 20:50 by Ifrit XXII )

Makes sense, you should always provide a value to the consumer, in this case a tangible value, the laughter and cozy atmospher of game evening with your fellow game comrades. the new mario wiiu game.

WiiUExposed (guest) 01.09.2013#3

Or instead they can give us OPTIONS so that we can play online or local.

We aren't little kids anymore. Our friends who play games aren't a few blocks down the street. They're at least an hour away. Pikmin 3 bingo battle should've had online (friends and randoms), Mario 3D World should've (friends at least), DK Country Tropical Freeze (at least friends), NintendoLand should've (at least friends).

It's not like having online infringes on the local experience. Did you not have fun playing single or local multiplayer on Super Smash Bros Brawl because it had online?

It's baffling to me as to why Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon has online multiplayer, but their bigger console series don't.

For me personally i feel having no online increasses the chance of my friends wanting to play the game when we are together, so we meet to play the game. When it was online it was more convenient to stay home and play online against each other. It is more effort, but that has more benefits to me than staying home by myself again and just hearing them over the internet, well I guess i am, not a fan of online. I agree with Nintendo.

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