Nintendo VP Talks 3DS User Account Management

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.08.2013 1

Nintendo VP Talks 3DS User Account Management on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In an interview with Nintendo of America's Scott Moffitt, the executive VP of sales and marketing was questioned about user account management.

With the new Nintendo 2DS on the horizon, it could open up the potential for Nintendo to finally scrap the archaic hardware-account approach and allow users to be able to easily access their own content across multiple devices.

"We haven't solved that yet", said Moffitt. He went on to cite the Nintendo Wii U approach as "an effort for us to move beyond a device-centric approach to an account-centric approach", but that same level of flexibility has yet to be applied to the portable scene.

"We hear that feedback. We hear that criticism, or whatever you want to call it, from time to time. We're not blind to it. But it's not something we've solved."

Moffitt acknowledged the issue but side-stepped a response when asked if Nintendo were working to solve these issues on the 3DS. Instead of an additional console for an existing 3DS user, the 2DS is pitched as an entry-level device that "address the value barrier that might exist for some consumers to playing a 3DS", he said.

Would you like to easily access content on multiple Nintendo 3DS systems?

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Yes. As my household has six of them.

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