Nintendo Won't Leave 3D Gaming with 2DS, Defends Console's Purpose

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.08.2013 1

Nintendo Won

The additional Nintendo 2DS hardware may sound confusing, but Nintendo's Scott Moffitt insists Nintendo are to continue to pursue 3D.

The new Nintendo 2DS, announced today, is pitched to consumers as a "starter console" for those wanting to get into portable Nintendo gaming. It has a new slate shell, the same face buttons and wireless features, but  does away with the 3D output.

Speaking to GamesIndustry, Moffitt suggests that the hardware is designed to "address the value barrier that might exist for some consumers to playing a 3DS", that the Nintendo 3DS price could put off parents from purchasing a $200 system. "I think that was probably the audience we expected or intended to design the unit for," Moffitt said.

Image for Nintendo Won

The box of the new Nintendo 2DS console will have a sticker that states "Plays all games in 2D" as a warning to potential consumers.

Nintendo feel that the main means of transporting the 2DS may not be in a pocket, but rather in a suitcase or bag, with an additional carry case an option. Removing the 3D components has allowed Nintendo to achieve a "price point that is more accessible for consumers".

But the crux of the matter is whether this could signify a change in direction when it comes to Nintendo and 3D. Moffitt declined this, stating that "Clearly our development efforts all include 3D games" and reiterating the position of the hardware as "the number one gaming platform on the market".

People may see it that way. I just think it's a misread of the situation. I don't think that's an accurate characterization of our commitment to 3D and our belief that it adds something new and exciting to the world of gaming.

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The box of the new Nintendo 2DS console will have a sticker that states "Plays all games in 2D" as a warning to potential consumers.

I like to imagine that the 2DS turns all polygons into sprites.

( Edited 29.08.2013 18:02 by TAG )

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

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