European Wii U and 3DS Release Dates Include Mario, Zelda, Wii Fit, Pokémon and More

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.08.2013 7

European Wii U and 3DS Release Dates Include Mario, Zelda, Wii Fit, Pokémon and More on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

As well as confirming Wii U bundles and new Nintendo 2DS hardware, Nintendo of Europe have posted the latest Wii U and 3DS release dates.

Key releases from now until the end of the year on Wii U include Rayman Legends, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, Sonic Lost World, Batman: Arkham Origins, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Call of Duty Ghosts, Watch_Dogs, Super Mario 3D World and the new Donkey Kong Country.

Over on the Nintendo 3DS, players can grab hold of Inazuma Eleven 3, Harvest Moon: A New Beginning, Pokémon X, Pokémon Y, Sonic Lost World, Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds and the latest installment of the popular Mario Party series.

Within the release dates, Nintendo also confirmed that Square Enix RPG Bravely Default is still on track for a 2013 release.


Which of these games will you be grabbing hold of this year?

 [tbody][tr][td colspan="2" nowrap="nowrap"]

Nintendo Wii U Software

[tr][td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Rayman Legends

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]30th Aug

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Just Dance 2014

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]4th Oct

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]4th Oct

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Limited Edition (with Ganondorf figurine)

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]4th Oct

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Sonic Lost World Deadly Six Edition

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]18th Oct

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Skylanders SWAP Force

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]18th Oct

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Batman: Arkham Origins

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]25th Oct

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Wii Party U + Wii Remote Plus (White)

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]25th Oct

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Wii Party U + Wii Remote Plus (Black)

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]25th Oct

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]1st Nov

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Angry Birds Star Wars

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]1st Nov

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Call of Duty: Ghosts

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]5th Nov

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]LEGO Marvel Super Heroes

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]15th Nov

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Watch_Dogs

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]22nd Nov

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Nov

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Super Mario 3D World

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Nov

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Dec

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Scribblenauts Unlimited

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Dec

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Wii Fit U

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]2013

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Wii Karaoke U by JOYSOUND (Nintendo eShop)

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]2013

[td colspan="2" nowrap="nowrap"]

Nintendo 2DS Console and Games

[tr][td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Nintendo 2DS (White +Red)

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]12th Oct

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Nintendo 2DS (Black + Blue)

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]12th Oct

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Nintendo 2DS Carrying Case  (Red)

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]12th Oct

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]Nintendo 2DS Carrying Case (Blue)

[td nowrap="nowrap"][p]12th Oct

[td colspan="2"]

Nintendo 3DS Software

[tr][td][p]Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan

[td][p]30th Aug

[td][p]Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers

[td][p]20th Sept

[td][p]Inazuma Eleven 3: Lightning Bolt

[td][p]27th Sept

[td][p]Inazuma Eleven 3: Bomb Blast

[td][p]27th Sept

[td][p]Harvest Moon: A New Beginning


[td][p]Moshi Monsters Katsuma Unleashed

[td][p]11th Oct

[td][p]Pokémon X

[td][p]12th Oct

[td][p]Pokémon Y

[td][p]12th Oct

[td][p]Sonic Lost World

[td][p]18th Oct

[td][p]Skylanders SWAP Force

[td][p]18th Oct

[td][p]Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

[td][p]25th Oct

[td][p]BEYBLADE: Evolution

[td][p]25th Oct

[td][p]Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate

[td][p]25th Oct

[td][p]Angry Birds Star Wars

[td][p]1st Nov

[td][p]Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy

[td][p]8th Nov

[td][p]LEGO Marvel Super Heroes

[td][p]15th Nov

[td][p]Mario Party: Island Tour


[td][p]Ben 10 Omniverse 2


[td][p]The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds


[td][p]Scribblenauts Unlimited


[td][p]LEGO Friends


[td][p]Bravely Default

[td][p]End of 2013


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A pretty solid list for both consoles actually! Grabbing hold of: Rayman Legends, Wind Waker, Sonic Lost World, Super Mario 3D World definitely. 

Others, no so sure yet. Might get hold of Watch_Dogs too.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Nothing really there that has me hyped. I loved the Wii for its games which felt interesting and unique. Some of my favourites being

-Pandora's Tower
-Another Code R
-Sin and Punishment 2
-No More Heroes
-Silent Hill Shattered Memories
-Endless Ocean

This Wii U line up isn't really doing anything for me. X needs to get here soon.

JayUK said:
Nothing really there that has me hyped. I loved the Wii for its games which felt interesting and unique.

Does The Wonderful 101 not appeal to you, then? Just curious, since I've beaten it and it's very unique indeed. There's really nothing like it on the market.

Yeah i'll probably end up getting it because I enjoyed the demo, but it doesn't seem like the game to suck me into the world and story. Its not the game thats gonna leave me feeling amazed like a Metroid Prime, Killer7, Journey or Bioshock Infinite

So Scrubblenauts Unlimited is still coming eh? Don't know why it's taking them almost a year to sort out whatever mystical problem got it delayed only on Nintendo's machines in Europe (yet the PC version came out?)

JayUK said:
Yeah i'll probably end up getting it because I enjoyed the demo, but it doesn't seem like the game to suck me into the world and story. Its not the game thats gonna leave me feeling amazed like a Metroid Prime, Killer7, Journey or Bioshock Infinite

That's fair enough, at least you're getting the game at all.

( Edited 28.08.2013 19:12 by SirLink )

Shaun (guest) 30.08.2013#7

Donkey Kong

In four months is insane!

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