Nintendo Wii U North America $50 Price Drop Confirmed

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.08.2013 7

Nintendo Wii U North America $50 Price Drop Confirmed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has dropped the price of the Wii U console in North America, starting from September 20th, with a new sub-$300 price point.

The console will be selling with a $50 price-drop across the pond and will be available in two models: Deluxe and the recently announced new Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker edition. Both consoles will continue to use 32GB of internal flash memory.

"We feel very good about the line-up of software for Wii U", said Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime today, noting how the price drop was just a step to "improve the value just reinforces our commitment" to ensure the Wii U has a strong holiday season this year.

The move also comes in advance of the impending release of two competitors - the Xbox One and Sony PS4, who hardware launches vying for consumer attention this Christmas.


What are your thoughts on the Nintendo Wii U price drop?

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Seems like a logical step. The Wii U really needs a price drop in the UK as well though.

A European price drop is a must. Once it drops across Europe, UK retailers will drop the price accordingly.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I thought UK retailers already did a lot of price drops and promotions of their own, offering the system much cheaper than it was at launch. Yet, that didn't seem to do anything without software to back it up.

I hate to sound all self-entitled (especially as I love my WiiU and don't regret getting it) but I feel another Ambassador program is a must!!

SirLink said:
I thought UK retailers already did a lot of price drops and promotions of their own, offering the system much cheaper than it was at launch. Yet, that didn't seem to do anything without software to back it up.

Yeah UK aren't fond of Nintendo.

A price drop is nothin' without a good marketing push too, which will hopefully come along in the holiday's wave of new games n.. stuff.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Too little too late I say. The majority of third parties are running scared, software took way too much time to get here, and sales are shit compared to what came before.

If this price adjustment (I don't personally say "cut" because the basic model sold at that price) don't do jack for the console, I'd say it's game over.

It's a start, personally I'll wait for another 150 dollars. About 2 years or so...and then I'll be able to play quite a few side scrolling Nintendo platformers again. Looking forward to it. Smilie

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