New Pokémon Trademarks for Tretta Lab, Pokéfigure

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.08.2013

New Pokémon Trademarks for Tretta Lab, Pokéfigure on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Yet another Pokémon trademark has been uncovered today, again filed by The Pokémon Company in the USA.

Four trademarks were uncovered by Siliconera - which include Pokétretta Battles and Pokétretta Tournament - these two very much likely related to the Marvelous developed Pokémon Tretta Lab for Nintendo 3DS. In Tretta Lab, players use a specifically designed attachment to load in arcade discs into the game, taking part in three on three battles.

Trademarks for Pokéfigure Arena and Pokéfigure were also spotted, which could hint at another game that uses the NFC figures that Nintendo have rolled out with Pokémon Rumble U.

What do you make of these new Pokémon trademarks?

Box art for Pokémon Tretta Lab








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